The (Tired) Tortoise !
The wind was in haste... as if chasing me. I was trying to run faster but these grasses were coming in the way and slowing me down. This is a new breed of grass I guess, so green that appeared almost blackish well before dusk.. Absolutely symmetrical and dense. I haven't seen anything like this even in my village.
Suddenly I remembered, where is Zisho (?) ….he chose to come with me on an impromptu excursion towards the river through the forest ……
I have known Zisho for the past few years. We met in a fair near my village. Zisho had come to get a glimpse of the village life, which seemed interesting to him in movies but eventually he concluded that village living was primitive. However, once we became friends, he tried to pull me to the city several times. We had no similarity as such but probably the only thing that brought us closer was our strong differences of opinion on life. We both had stark contrasting views on virtually everything. Unlike me, Zisho was modern and stylish..,,, for instance, he was passionate about his tattoos all across the body, fancy ear rings , several wrist bands , very regular with gym and extraordinarily focused on hygiene. Zisho used to take only bottled mineral water and consume several protein pre-mixes to stay energetic all day long. And yes, Zisho knew how to dance to several Hollywood tunes as well. He had latest collection of electronic gadgets etc.etc…. while I was only familiar with few crop growing methods and can eat, drink anything ……and sleep anywhere.
Yet, we would love each other's company.
I looked back …Zisho was far behind, I waved …. O man hurry up !! We must ?nd some shelter before the night. It is an unfamiliar terrain and we have to arrange our dinner as well..….Zisho was seemingly decelerating ..I walked to him and enquired –
what happened….?
He replied internet is intermittent now…. and I can't enjoy my walk without music...
…whatever I had in my library is already exhausted.
I empathized, and told him that see, we have successfully travelled a signi?cant distance after several hours of continuous walking in such humid summer... ..... we have moved far from the city now…..forget internet for a day or two.,.. enjoy the nature..etc. etc…. with great dif?culty I dragged him for some more time…. we were almost entering the forest area now; our plan is to see the sun-rise across the river which is on the other side of this forest.
However, yet few kilometers to go …..I was thinking how we will make it….In the meantime, for our good luck, I spotted a hut…we approached there and were pleasantly surprised to ?nd an old couple ….they were so welcoming and cheerful…they invited us to stay with them for the night. Well, that's all we could have asked for.
After some time, the old lady lit a ?re … and I started chatting with them…
Since when you live here…?
Ever since, …. replied the old man. What you eat ?
Forest has everything… no one sleeps hungry…
And water…?
We have the entire river ..just for two of us (old man smiled mischievously) , his answers were so conclusive and contended.
How far is the river…we want to go there….
It's about 2 hours….. if you walk vigorously….
What ? every day you go there for water…..??
We know a shorter route….it takes a bit less.
How about your daily needs …
We have food, water, fresh air and a decent shelter….? What else …
Like medicines etc…
We never fall sick…. old are you…?
No idea…..
Do you get few travelers here…?
Not so often….
Do you ever go to the city….?
Very rarely, it takes several hours of walk….…and then it is too noisy and polluted….… we feel suffocated, don't like it.
Zisho was apparently unhappy…his internet was dead now and to his misery, few insects were bothering him.
In the meantime the old lady, gave us something to drink in an empty coconut shell……wow…it was hot soup, it tasted unique…. The couple told me that they boil certain fruits and seeds for a longer time to get this. Awesome! so pure! I never tasted anything like this. I was thoroughly enjoying it…. Zisho took just a sip and kept it aside in disdain.
I was tired and wanted to sleep….Zisho said he can't sleep without listening to Jazz…..
Old couple started humming something melodious….
It was such a serene night. Except the gentle whisper of the breeze …….and a few movements of small animals we could barely hear anything else.
I fell asleep…..
To see the sunrise , we had to start in the wee hours …but Zisho was restless and eager to go back to the city to the world of his internet.
I continued to see the sunrise over the river ….that was the plan. I assured Zisho, on my return I shall take him back to the city… I continued…saw the sunrise over the river as planned…. it was all so divine…& surreal….!!. I spotted few wonderful creatures on the river bank….most amazing was the cluster of tortoise'…oh ! so awesome…..I am sure Zisho would have loved this more than me…his Tattoos were inspired by the patterns on their back ??
Orchestra of birds had made this journey a memorable one............. I was thinking that we developed internet and various other technologies etc. with a hope that someday it will make our life a bit easier and joyful… but it appears that in the transition we have unwittingly become the slave of our own inventions…fully sunk and swallowed in the technological whirlpool…... How sham is that world Vs this natural bliss.
Anyway, while returning, I thanked the gracious couple for all the help that they extended during our stay. I enquired where is Zisho ? Old lady indicated on her right….…Zisho was lying on the grass…half asleep and clueless…….hey Zisho,,,,what happened man,.,. let's go to the city…Zisho whispered. He was terribly annoyed & exhausted.
We came back to the city. Zisho took me to his house. He lived in an ultra-modern mansion. After three days of rest and gulping lots of electrolytes… Zisho felt a bit better…,
Zisho took me to a local pub …..and he danced !
By the way, he dances well…..I was happy to see him happy !!!
I thought “Each to his own” and carried on with my day.
Sales Manager at Human Biologicals Institute(A Divison of Indian Immunologicals Limited)
1 年Wonderful read sir. Thought provoking.
Sales Manager at Human Biological Institute ( A Division of Indian Immunologicals Limited )
1 年Very Nice Sir, You're an innovative and creative person. .
Regional Enabler at Human Biological Institute ( A Div. of Indian Immunologicals Limited )
1 年Wonderful read sir, loved it
Leo@48 | My Pace is No Race | Mentor | Podcaster | Storyteller | Epigrammatist | Quodophile | Bibliophile | Proud Autism Parent | Personal Brand | #gaganvictor ~!~
1 年WoW.... Humans should not Work we should only Play ~!~