Tired of Starting Over? Ditch the Cookie-Cutter Solutions.
Rika Markel
I guide dentists and their teams from the chaos of daily challenges to the clarity and fulfillment of a thriving, patient-centered practice —using the power of the mind and transformative mindset tools.
I never heard of Quitting Day until this year. I don’t remember where I read it, but I chuckled. I know that most people don’t get past two weeks with their New Year’s resolutions, but the fact that this also has a name shows how accurate that is. You don’t change your habits overnight, and good intentions are not going to solve your problems.
That is why most self-development coaches and gurus have 30-, 60-, or even 90-day challenges. They advise you to take drastic actions and showcase their endurance skills to prove that if they can do it, you can too.
If all this effort were fruitful, most people wouldn’t have to make the same New Year’s resolutions every single year.
I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want to know how many days in a row you did something, how early you get up in the morning, or how cold your ice baths are—unless there is something in it for me.
Without a specific outcome that benefits me or potentially one of my clients, your hero stories are not helping me. On the contrary, they remind me that I am a loser when I can’t (or won’t) do those things.
Don’t get me wrong, I love hero stories—stories about people who did the impossible, overcame big challenges, and came out on the other side completely transformed.
In the world we live in, we are used to seeing people brag about their achievements in an attempt to sell us their products and services. “Look what I did! You can do this too, but only when you buy what I have.”
This concept might be the reason why I am not the most successful salesperson.
I do have some pretty good stuff to offer you, and I know it will work for you—but only if you make it yours, not mine.
My way worked for me. Your way will work for you. And maybe my way can also be yours, but most of the time it isn’t. We are all unique; we have our own path and our own aspirations, and only if you are willing to make it your own will it work for you.
There is not one solution that fits all. That’s why you need support that is tailored to your needs. And in order to get to that, you first need to know what your needs are.
I don’t have any specific way to offer you, but what I can help you with is figuring out what would be helpful for you. Then I can open my toolbox (and that box is extensive—you gather some stuff in 4 decades), and together we’ll make a menu “cooked to order.”
Over the years, I’ve always helped people and businesses find that one thing that was holding them back. And that one thing was always different. The way I offer coaching and mentoring is different for every client. That’s why getting an offer out to you is not cookie-cutter; it will take a few conversations and mutual effort to get to the bottom of your needs. But once we get there, and we plan the journey, results will just roll out.
When you are a dentist in private practice, I have a lot of ideas for you, especially when you are a solo practitioner. Over the years I accumulated some marketing tools that I am happy to share with my clients, no need to reinvent the wheel.
If you want to explore what your main pain points are and how we can offer you a solution to your problems, just schedule a discovery call, and we will take it from there.