Tired of feeling like an outsider in meetings? Here’s the best way to earn your overseas colleagues’ respect
Corinium Language Associates
Multilingual Recruitment | Business Language Training & Assessment | Translation | Intercultural Training
Have you ever found yourself thinking, ‘Everyone speaks such good English abroad, there’s no point me even trying! I’ll never reach that standard in their language, and they do seem happy to chat in English…’
?We hear you. The focus on learning English from a very young age in most European countries, combined with their exposure to an English-speaking culture and media, means our knowledge of languages like German or Dutch may not ever match up with their own language skills.?
Yet this shouldn’t deter you from learning a foreign language – if anything, it might spur you on! In a world where English is widely spoken and your foreign colleagues are expected to speak in a non-native language while conducting business, it shows a genuine commitment on your part to build better relationships by learning a little of their language. It’s a huge sign of respect.?And even if you only have some basics, that spark of realisation when an overseas colleague sees the effort you’re making will give you an incredible boost!
Create stronger relationships with colleagues
Being able to converse in a foreign language in business situations also gives you far more insight into group discussions and meeting outcomes, beyond the high-level details. People might switch to their mother tongue if they want to be really clear or when someone makes an inside joke or cultural reference, or simply by mistake.?And this can be very awkward when you’re left standing on the sidelines! When you can join in or at least follow the basics of what is being said, you’re automatically included in conversations and the all-important ‘water-cooler chat’, creating a far more balanced and enjoyable relationship.?
?Boost your career opportunities
As language skills are declining in the UK, being able to offer your employer knowledge in a relevant language – even at a basic or conversational level – is incredibly valuable. The former German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, famously once said 'If I’m selling to you, I speak your language. If I’m buying, ‘Dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen!' And in many cases, this rule of thumb still applies when exporting products to Germany. Global companies know that employing bilingual staff can help them bridge any language barriers and succeed more readily in an overseas market.?
?There are personal benefits too!
Even if you’re not going to use your new language skills extensively in your role, studies have shown that learning a foreign language can improve your cognitive function. It also helps you to think more creatively, broadening your perspectives and understanding of other cultures.?
?The most important point we make to our new learners is that you don’t need to be fluent. A little really can go a long way, and we can help you focus on the areas that will make the biggest difference in your role.
?If you’d like to show respect to your overseas colleagues, and be able to converse with them in their own language, do get in touch for a chat. You can explain what language you’d like to learn and the kind of situations, meetings or presentations you might encounter, and we can introduce you to one of our brilliant native-level tutors who can suggest a tailored learning plan.??