Tired of feeling "always tired?"


Something interesting happened last week...

A?Fintech Director I work with (let's call her Sarah) said something that stopped me in my tracks:

"I?am just so tired allll the time"

As soon as I start hearing this with clients - alarms go off for me.

"burnout cycle! burnout cycle! burnout cycle!"

I see this all the time with brilliant?leaders, I was one of them btw - living the zombie life, exhilarated one moment, "ded" the next.

  • Brain just not kicking in on a morning
  • Feeling hyper but shattered at the same time
  • Forgetting more things than usual
  • Meetings dragging -?coffee not coffee-ing

It's a struggle, it really is.

When I was a marketing director especially.

I just wanted to do well...it was like my body was working against me.

I used to get angry at myself for it.

"you can't be tired, you have to prove to everyone that you can do this!"

This belief, this wanting to prove I "wasn't useless", that I could handle big things...was one of?my energy leaks?( amongst other bigger, sneakier things).

But here's?something fascinating I learned?during my healing?from chronic stress and burnout:

The real energy drain? It's rarely what you think it is and it's different for everyone.

It's unique.

Most of us assume it's:

  1. Our packed calendar "If I could just manage my calendar better..." (Spoiler: I've seen perfect calendars still lead to exhaustion)
  2. Lack of proper breaks "I just need a proper holiday..." (Hint: ever notice how you come back feeling just as knackered?)
  3. Diet and supplements "Maybe I need more green smoothies?" (That $500 juicer gathering dust says otherwise)
  4. Hustle culture " Just gotta keep up the grind!" (You're not a machine)

The truth? 99% of the time, your energy drain has nothing to do with any of these.

What if I told you the most switched-on leaders I work with, discovered their energy leaks were coming from completely unexpected places?

And once they spotted them, everything changed.

→ Ready to find out what's actually stealing your energy so you can crack on with work, feeling energized as f*ck?

I've opened up a few spots for my Energy Reset Sessions n November.

In just 45 minutes, we'll:

  • Uncover your hidden energy leaks (prepare to be surprised!)
  • Create your personalized energy strategy
  • Get you feeling energized again (no expensive juicer required)

Think about it: What could you achieve if you weren't constantly fighting fatigue?

Book in yours here

Only 3 spots available next week - grab yours before they're gone.

Talk soon,?


P.S. The solution isn't what you think - and that's exactly why it works.

Click here to book your session and find out what's really going on.

P.P.S?and no, it's not more time management tools or meditation.


