Tired and emotional?
Sean O'Leary PCC AIECL
Team & Leadership Coach for Not-For-Profit and Social Enterprises | Working with good people to overcome workforce challenges | Leadership Learning & Development | Team effectiveness and outcomes-driven approach
You just reacted with a tired but very emotional response. What triggered this reaction may have been inconsequential but still, your response was fully emotional and most likely inappropriate.
If you’re lucky, you catch your emotional reaction and apologise. If not, you may find yourself in an antagonistic argument that started over nothing.
What happened to your ability to stay calm and respond in an emotionally stable way? Where did your ability to regulate and respond go?
Tired and fatigued your ability to concentrate, focus, and be aware has diminished. Your body and mind need rest. Your ability to consciously regulate your emotions decreases as you fatigue.
The first solution to relieve you from being tired and emotional is to take a break. Pause everything. Allow your mind and body to reset. As little as a five-minute break from focussed work can revitalise you.
Regular short breaks scheduled into deep focussed work is the basis of the Pomodoro technique, a time management method based on 25-minute stretches of focused work broken by five-minute breaks. Longer breaks are typically 15 to 30 minutes after four consecutive work intervals.
The second solution to relieve you from being tired and emotional is hydration. Tiredness and fatigue can be a symptom of dehydration, your body lacking fluids that help transport nutrients and energy throughout your body. Try having a glass or two of water or good electrolytes and see the amazing effect it can have on your fatigue. Tired can mean thirsty.
Thirdly you may need to attend to your overall nourishment. Are you getting the nutrition you need to function well? Your brain operates best when your body is well-nourished. Nourishment is getting the highest quality nutrition into you through good, organic, natural food sources. It is not feeding your late afternoon cravings with a sugar-filled drink or donut. Nourish your body.
The fourth solution to being tired and emotional is good sleep. Sleep is the wonder drug for reenergising your mind and body. If you’re constantly tired and emotional then examine the quality of your sleep. One good night's sleep can do wonders. A good sleep routine can be life-changing. Setting up a pre-sleep routine that eases you into bed and allows you to wind down is an effective way to start sleeping better. Good sleep provides a good base for great performance.
Finally, the big solution to tired and emotional is to address your emotional needs and responses. What is the emotion behind your response? Is it anger, frustration, disappointment, fear, disgust, or sadness?
The most effective way to regulate your emotions is to bring awareness to the physical aspects of the emotional response, such as your heart rate rapidly increasing, and use mindful awareness techniques like conscious breathing to help regulate the physical response. This helps your bodily reactions stabilise allowing you time and space to regulate.
In relation to the fatigue-related depletion of energy resources that you need to stay performing at your best, it’s telling you it’s time to rest. Take some time out and replenish your energy so you have the resources to be at your best.