Tired of Business that Doesn’t Stick?

Tired of Business that Doesn’t Stick?

Have you ever felt like the entrance to your business seems so close to the exit they seem one in the same because your customers drop off so quickly? Does it amaze you that these flaky customers seem to bounce around having no traction at all? You go through your sales meeting, fill out all this paperwork, get them signed up, go out and explain their policy then two or three months later the cancel. Maybe they were just cheap? Maybe they tried the insurance and it didn’t work for them? Maybe they just buy from everyone because they don’t want to hurt someone's feelings? Or... maybe it’s you?

Okay, I’m not saying you were not charismatic or didn’t do a good job of cementing the sale or any other typical manager’s rendition of why you’re a failure; I’m saying you don’t have a system in place for retention. When I sold insurance years ago I was a top producer but not because I sold the most; there were several people that sold a lot more than I did, but my business stayed on the books. Why? Well this was over 10 years ago when a lot of insurance salespeople still were not automated. Although I did a good job of preparing them to stay before the sale, the big difference was I stayed I touch. Yes that took a lot of time away from my sales production but I believed in the old adage, "a bird in the hand was worth two in the bush" and wanted them to remember me. Because of my extra efforts, they did.

Now things are different. Now you could be a top producer and have your business stick. This doesn’t work if your only method of sales is the call center approach. Call center software is great at trying to help you make a lot of calls, process those calls then make more calls. It is successful but it's also the hardest, most demanding and the quickest path to burnout an agent can experience. If you came into sales because you like to help people then the call center style of selling is not for you. If you're in sales because you don’t care about people but want to make as much money as fast as you can, not worrying about charge backs, complaints or dropped business, then get on those phones and make 500 calls per day.

The automated approach to sales is a means to follow-up, remember appointments and people, and build relationships without spending all the time necessary to perform such functions. It's akin to telling each person in your family you love them individually or having them all in the same room saying I love you all. Both methods fulfill the sentiment and brings the family together but one gives you more time to be more productive. Call center software does not have this capability. Actually, most software doesn’t have this capability. The software I’m referring to is drip-marketing… but not just any drip marketing. Cloudia Assistant has a built in drip-marketing system especially for insurance agents/agencies that need a lasting relationship with their clients in order to retain that residual income they were told about in the beginning, which would provide the money and freedom they were hoping for down the road.

Most drip marketing is created to help build interest and get a prospect to call you; and you know it is much easier to sell someone when they are calling you as opposed to you calling them. Yes, Cloudia does that and does it well, however, Cloudia Assistant also has settings especially for retention purposes. Instead of creating email campaigns simply to get people to call you, Cloudia has settings that start a campaign after a sale is made.

Before I continue with the power of the automatic email (drip-marketing) system in Cloudia, tell me if this isn’t the typical life cycle of an insurance sale: You put on your best dog and pony show, regaled them with your most charismatic approach and woo them into submission with your expertise, understanding and caring persona. Finally, you find out all the footwork you will need to tread in order to make the sale.They buy then the insurance company takes over with what you expect will be professional follow-up and a means for your customer to receive assistance whenever needed while you continue your dog and pony show for your next victim… I mean potential customer. However, a month after you’ve sold them they forgot your name. A month later they forgot what they bought. The next month they are approached by another charismatic insurance salesperson younger and cuter than you. He asks what you sold them and they think they remember the insurance carrier. That salesperson tells them it is a good and reputable company but there are new policies better than what you are selling and guess what… your policy is replaced.

Here is what Cloudia can do for you on the retention side; you create a campaign once that does the following: It sends out an automated email immediately upon entering a sale. Two-three weeks later they get another message telling them their policy should be available any day so expect a call to go over it when it gets there. Two weeks later they get another email saying thanks again for trusting you with their insurance needs and now you would like them to know you are not just a salesperson but you are there to protect them. You have provided the best policy for their circumstance and should another agent approach you, have him contact you so they will not have to go through all that time and effort of figuring out another policy. Otherwise you could put together a 3-way meeting where you could go over the policy with him and the other agent because you would know the questions to ask to make sure your client will be fully protected (what agent would take such a meeting?). Three weeks later you send a little insurance humor and bit of helpful tips. Two weeks later you send the first request for referrals that will go out every two to three months. Finally you put them on a 3 week newsletter they will receive for the next 50 years while they are with you. Not only that, a month before each birthday they will receive an email congratulating them on their upcoming birthday and reminding them rates go up on their birthday so if they want to make any changes they need to get in touch with you so they will get this year’s rates next year and save them some money. That is the hero letter that will have them telling their friends about how much you are on the ball and really care. They remember your name and don’t want another agent because never have they received so much communication and support from an agent before.

In Cloudia, you setup all those campaigns in a couple weeks and it will keep performing for you for years to come. Once setup you will only make small content changes once in a while but basically you are done. With little effort you will have a simple and easy to use CRM system robust enough to run a very large insurance agency yet simple enough for an individual agent. We’ve only discussed the advantage of drip-retention, imagine what the rest of a system like Cloudia Assistant could do for you. 


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