Tired of being overlooked and taken for granted at work

Tired of being overlooked and taken for granted at work

Feeling tired of being the default go-to person for fire-fighting.

Feeling burnt out from all the heavy-lifting work that does not seem to go anywhere career-wise.

Feeling irked whenever someone claims credit for your project without even lifting a finger.

Feeling worn down from constantly being on the edge to prove your worth behind your salary. Yes, you are salaried — but it is not THAT much in the scheme of things.

Feeling extremely annoyed when others get promoted left and right.

It is gradually sinking in.

Seniority doesn’t mean much. Neither do dedication and loyalty to the company.

You are just not going anywhere with this job.?Or even in this company or industry.

Maybe you can relate to feeling so stuck, all while knowing that you are 100% the cause of everything that’s happening?

It is not that I am better than anyone on my team.?They have strengths in areas where I am weak in.

It is not that I need to hear “You are doing a great job!” every 2 weeks.?Like any professional, I take pride in the quality and the impact of my work – over compliments and accolades.

It is not even that I needed a promotion every 2-3 years.

“How do I bet on myself when I am SO bogged down by this ridiculous fatigue?”

Here’s what I did that got myself unstuck:

Step 1: Own your intersection

As often as we think we are unique, we always fall back to our positions and our titles.

Yet in our day-to-day, we often sit in the intersection of departments, processes, workflows, information flows, inventory flows, areas of expertise, interfaces, inside and outside consultants.

Doesn’t everybody sit in an intersection?

Yes – but their intersection would be different from yours.?And that is what makes you unique on the job market.

I pinpointed my own three: operations, strategy, business development.?That helped me own the fields, the “playgrounds” I feel apt playing in.

So, I went job hunting and career pivoting towards that intersection.?Being an entrepreneur was a great fit for me.

Step 2: Adjust your day slightly

We often guilt ourselves into thinking we “should” do everything we are tasked with.

In fact, it is a lot about getting results.

At the start of a work day, I would dare myself to take a step back and look at how to get the result faster or even a better result.

By setting up phone calls with two of my colleagues, I was able to approach a market differently to get more traction.

Making phone calls is no new skill.

Getting insights that can be implemented right away became a new skill to me.

I learned to adjust my day-to-day to my favor.

Step 3: Bank on your work every moment you can

Most of us love to perform our jobs drama-free.

Someone asks you to do X, Y, Z.?You promptly roll up your sleeves to deliver X, Y, Z.

Without playing politics, twisting arms, strong-arming, a list of excuses, finger-pointing, chickening out, deflecting and detracting, etc.

Often times, my projects could get so intense.?I delivered.?I then promptly forgot about them to focus on the next project.?Which turned out to be my detriment.

“When I handled this account, …”

“When I managed the team for this pursuit, ….”

I started using past projects to ask for things upfront — efficiencies, a more streamlined process, specific resources, pre-approvals, wiggle room in scheduling.

At the same time, it reminded folks of my past contributions as a team leader / member.?Without gloating, bragging or arrogance.

And within weeks, my level of frustration and anger dipped down.?Took some practice, but I was able to gain more control of my attention AND my energy. To my advantage.

Now, my mission is for 9-5ers to turn their talents into a new career or business they truly love, while making a living.

Imagine if you could focus on yourself for once and turn out the noise. and know that, on the back-end, you have the intersection of your talents and creativity mapped and simplified and a path of earth-moving daily steps, so you can turn your full attention to stepping into a new career till retirement.

That’s what I do at The Parfum Agency with every one of my clients.

I know how “beyond wore down and wore out” feels like. And that feeling of being shoved aside, put away, or ignored because your contributions and talents are simply taken for convenience.

But you know what? When you finally get the clarity, systems and support you need, I promise you that your life will be a whole lot better.

If you want to work with me 1:1 to turn your impossible job situation into a energizing new career so you can use your time and energy on what really matters to you… Send me a message saying INFO and let’s chat about how I will get you there.

I get what you’re going through and I want you to thrive in the right career pivot you wished you had done years ago.


"Bet on Myself" series is my 100-day series that deep dives on how do you start betting on yourself to leave your job. Getting into all the nitty gritty.

Because we are all in this smush together to build better lives for ourselves and our kids — with less misery and stress at our jobs. After all, we are too young to retire.??Too old to start afresh.

#betonmyselfseries #day3 #careerpivot #theparfumagency


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