Tired of Being Overlooked? Here’s How to Finally Get the Recognition You Deserve!

Tired of Being Overlooked? Here’s How to Finally Get the Recognition You Deserve!

Holly had always been the kind of employee who put her head down and worked tirelessly.

She believed that hard work spoke for itself and that sooner or later, her efforts would be recognised.

But after years of giving her all, Holly found herself feeling invisible.

Her contributions went unnoticed, and the recognition she craved seemed to go to others.

She started to wonder if she’d ever get the appreciation she deserved.

One particularly frustrating day, after watching a colleague get praised for a project she had been heavily involved in, Holly decided enough was enough.

She realised it wasn’t enough to just work hard—she needed to make sure her hard work was seen and valued.

If you’ve ever felt like Holly, you know how disheartening it can be.

But there’s good news: you can change this.

And if you’re ready to take things even further, I invite you to join the Leadership Inner Circle — A Leadership Program Designed for Women, by Women.

It’s part leadership training, part workshop, and part support network.

Together, we’ll equip you with the skills, confidence, and connections to ensure your hard work never goes unnoticed again.

1. Speak Up! Don’t Be Shy

Holly used to shy away from talking about her achievements, thinking it would come off as bragging.

But here’s the thing: if you don’t talk about your achievements, who will?

Self-promotion doesn’t have to be awkward.

Start small by casually mentioning a recent win in a meeting.

For example, Holly began dropping lines like, “Oh, by the way, that project? Nailed it.”

This small shift made a big difference.

People started to take notice of her contributions.

Your Action Step: Next time you’ve achieved something, mention it in a meeting or conversation. It doesn’t have to be grandiose—just a simple, confident statement that highlights your success.

2. Make Friends in High Places (Or at Least in the Right Places)

Networking was something Holly had always avoided.

She saw it as disingenuous and didn’t want to be seen as someone who was just trying to climb the corporate ladder.

But then she realised that building relationships with key people in her organisation wasn’t about being fake—it was about creating connections that could help her grow.

By getting to know the right people, Holly found that she had allies who could vouch for her and open doors to new opportunities.

Networking became less about self-promotion and more about building a supportive community within her workplace.

Your Action Step: Start reaching out to colleagues in other departments or higher up the ladder. Invite someone for coffee, ask for advice, or simply engage in a conversation. These connections can help you get the recognition you deserve.

3. Take On the Projects No One Else Wants

Holly noticed that certain projects in her office were often met with groans and eye rolls.

They were the “ugh, not me” tasks that no one wanted to touch.

But Holly saw an opportunity.

She started volunteering for these tough assignments, knowing that successfully completing them would make her stand out.

And she was right—by tackling the projects others avoided, Holly quickly gained a reputation as a reliable, resourceful, and fearless employee.

Your Action Step: Next time a challenging project comes up, don’t shy away. Volunteer to take it on. Not only will it show your initiative, but it will also position you as someone who’s not afraid to tackle difficult tasks.

4. Share the Love, Get the Love

Holly learned that recognition often works like a mirror—what you give is what you get.

She began making a habit of recognising others for their hard work.

Whether it was a simple “thank you” or a public shout-out in a meeting, Holly found that acknowledging others’ contributions often led to them returning the favour.

Your Action Step: Make it a point to recognise your colleagues’ hard work. You’d be surprised how often this kind of positive energy comes back around. It’s like karma, but for office kudos.

5. Keep a “Brag File”

For years, Holly let her achievements slip by without much fanfare.

But when it came time for performance reviews, she often found herself scrambling to remember all the great things she had done.

That’s when she started keeping a “brag file”—a collection of accomplishments, praise, and positive feedback.

When review time rolled around, Holly had all the evidence she needed to showcase her hard work.

Your Action Step: Start your own brag file today. Whenever you achieve something or receive positive feedback, add it to the file. When you need to remind your boss why you’re amazing, you’ll have all the proof you need.

6. Make Your Boss’s Life Easier

One of the most impactful things Holly did was becoming the go-to person for her boss.

She took on the role of problem-solver, tackling issues before they even reached her boss’s desk. By making her boss’s life easier, Holly ensured that she was noticed—and valued.

Your Action Step: Look for ways you can make your boss’s job easier. Whether it’s solving problems proactively or taking on extra responsibilities, being reliable and resourceful will get you noticed.

7. Celebrate Your Wins (Out Loud)

Holly used to downplay her successes, thinking it wasn’t a big deal. But then she realised that celebrating her wins out loud was a powerful way to ensure they didn’t go unnoticed.

Whether it was a small victory or a major success, Holly made sure to share her excitement with her team. It wasn’t about bragging—it was about sharing joy and encouraging others to celebrate their achievements too.

Your Action Step: Don’t be afraid to celebrate your wins. Whether it’s a team email, a quick announcement in a meeting, or even a small celebration, let others know when you’ve accomplished something great.


Holly’s journey from feeling invisible to being recognised and valued wasn’t about changing who she was—it was about changing how she presented herself.

By speaking up, building the right relationships, and taking on challenges, Holly ensured that her hard work got the spotlight it deserved.

Remember, getting the recognition you deserve isn’t about bragging—it’s about making sure your contributions don’t go unnoticed.

You’ve got this! Keep shining, and watch the recognition roll in. ??


P.S. Ready to take your career to the next level? Here are three ways we can work together:

  1. Join the Leadership Inner Circle—a Leadership Program Designed for Women, by Women. It’s part leadership training, part workshop, and part support network, designed to help you step into the recognition you deserve.
  2. Grab a copy of my new book, Speak Up, Stand Tall: How to Confidently Speak Up In Meetings.
  3. Work with me one-on-one and get ready to confidently tackle your most dreaded conversations with ease and calm! Book in today.

Your journey to recognition and success starts now. ??


