Tired? >70% of professionals have NOT taken vacation this year...
2021 is a vacation vortex.??71% of professionals have taken less than a week’s vacation this year.?
It gets worse.?
I was gobsmacked to see that person after person voting in the 428 person poll indicated that >30% of respondents had taken 3 or less days??vacation for the 2021.?
Yet!?Most professionals are entitled to?in excess of 15 business days leave a year - double that in many parts of the world.?
The poll was seen by a lot of people (>9,000 to the credit of LinkedIn's analytics). Some people reached out directly with their “I have t taken vacation” stories.?
Comments gave me further insight into the 2021 vacation vortex. The reasons shared for not taking vacation fell into 5 key themes:?
Whatever the reason, many resonated with being exhausted - even those who had taken leave! The reasons for that, though not explored in the poll or follow-up conversations, likely stem from the pandemic roller coaster much of the world is still on!
Yes, I'd like to get off this Covid-19 ride too! However, don't discount that everyone is so keen...Even the very thought of “back to work” brings an unusual mix of excitement and some level of panic for many .?
What the LinkedIn poll and banter didn’t cover was that I too fell into the 71%. I was equally guilty with my reasons being a mix of #1, #2 and #5.?
I. Was. Tired.?
My recommendations to break out of the vacation vortex? Leaders we gotta step up and start walking the talk!?
Why this matters:?burn out is real! We are known to ignore the early signs of it - inability to focus, irritability, physical tiredness, inability to sleep…Strong desire to prove oneself or picking up escapist habits are also signs of burnout risk. Take the symptoms seriously - in fact take your self care seriously and take a break!?
And..should you be fortunate enough to be a leader, please be bold enough in your leadership to actively, hell AGGRESSIVELY, ensure that your team members not only take vacation, but practice self care and mini breaks as well!?
A trend I am liking? Company wide vacations are becoming a thing - well beyond the we are closed between Christmas and New Years, many companies are declaring Meeting free Mondays (I have done this in my team) and no work Fridays. Axios reports more actions like this may help the 'Great Resignation' (40% of American workers are considering leaving their jobs).
Nothing gets your mojo back like rest/a vacation. I can testify!?
Happy #mojoMonday?
Thanks for sharing
Human Resource Professional
3 年Great piece! Thanks for sharing
Digital Leader | Program Manager | Transformation Enabler | Software License Advisor | Globe Traveler
3 年Thank you for reminding. Time for a break.
Seasoned HR Leader | Driving Inclusive Cultures & High Performance | Executive Manager HR at Angostura Holdings Limited
3 年Good points Danielle. If we also consider those who do take their vacation time but still work, the statistics may be even more alarming. Taking the break, with devices turned off may be unsettling for many of us but is necessary for us to reboot. That becomes easier to do as a leader when you have properly equipped and empowered your team to survive without you.