Tirana Energy Forum 2024 (TEF 2024) - The Event for Energy Pioneers in Albania!
Lorenc Gordani
Energy Lawyer Consultant and Professor @ Tirane Business University College | PhD in Public Law
Albania’s energy sector has made more progress in the last year than in the previous ten. A day-ahead electricity market was launched by the power exchange ALPEX in April 2023. The balancing market is operational and organised competitively. All consumers in Albania are free to choose their supplier; as of 1 January 2022, consumers connected to 20 kV, 10 kV and 6 kV entered the liberalized market. The country aims to be a fully independent net exporter by 2023.
Albania revised the Renewables Law, and the target of achieving a 54,4 % share of renewable energy is incorporated. To reach it will help build the Skavica HPP and 1200 MW pumped storage hydropower plant upstream of the Moglic? hydropower plant. In addition, there is a net billing net for self-consumed renewables, incorporated into the new Renewables Law, which outlines a transition to net billing with a maximum capacity of 500 kW that foresees the involvement of citizens in renewable energy communities. Not to mention, more than 10 GW of permits have been awarded in hydro, photovoltaic, and wind projects, and they are looking for partnerships.
The energy and construction sectors are becoming a symbiosis of the country's transformation. The 2030 renewable energy target is subdivided into sectorial targets for heating and cooling (16,6%). Albania is very close to adopting the long-term building renovation strategy and implementing the Energy Efficiency Law. Following the adoption of relevant by-laws to implement the 2016 Law on Energy Performance of Buildings, Albania has established an operational energy performance certification system, and more than 100.000 audit reports have been issued since its inception. The Energy Efficiency Agency has subsidized 4000 families with solar water heating systems.
Investments in energy efficiency are currently being channelled through the state budget and foreign financial aid, with a particular focus on the buildings sector. These initiatives are subsidized, with up to 50% of the costs financed by the Municipality of Tirana. Furthermore, local banks are actively promoting energy efficiency by offering credit lines for various measures, primarily focusing on enhancing the thermal insulation of building envelopes in private buildings.
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Thanks & Regards
Chairman of Tirana Energy Forum 2024
Atty. Lorenc Gordani, PhD
Director of Law Department and Lecturer in the Field of Business and Energy, Tirana Business University (TBU). Adviser in Energy Policy & Law, Regulation and Infrastructure high-level projects in Albania.
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