Tips for Working from Home
If you are used to working in an office, the idea of working remotely may seem overwhelming. Here are a few tips to ensure that you remain productive and continue checking items off of your task list!
Create a “workspace” that is separate from your family space.
- Since you may be working remotely for an extended period of time, you won’t want to break down your workflow on a daily basis. Setting up at the kitchen table may seem like an obvious choice, but do you really want to clean up your computer, paperwork, etc. each evening to transition the table for dinner?
- Add something to this space that inspires you or makes you happy. It could be a plant, a photo of your loved ones or a sign with your favorite quote. Something that makes the space feel like your own.
Remove distractions.
- Invest in noise-canceling headphones to help remove any sounds (talking, outside roadwork, etc.) that could distract you.
- Avoid setting up a workspace where there’s a TV, your kids are playing, etc.
Make sure your wireless network can support you working from home.
Create a schedule with your manager/team (but realize it will be subject to change).
- Create a template/agenda so everyone can touch base at the beginning and end of each day.
- Schedule regular calls/video conferences at a specific time each day/week.
Create a schedule for yourself. Be specific about when you will take breaks (including lunch), check email, log into Social Media, etc. Remove temptations so you stick to the schedule.
Talk to your family/roommates and set clear expectations. If you live with other people, who happen to also be home during the day, working remotely could be difficult if you don’t set ground rules.
Get up each morning and get dressed. This will add a sense of normalcy to your day and motivate you to have a productive day. If you are unshowered and in sweats, will you really be working at an optimal level?
Develop a routine that takes the place of your morning commute. Does your commute to work include listening to your favorite podcast while enjoying a cup of coffee? Perhaps you enjoy the silence or call a loved one to catch up? Set aside some time each morning to continue doing the things that get you ready for the day. This may be doing the things you normally do or creating a different routine that could include taking a morning walk, meditating or reading the newspaper.
Review the to-do list that you created the night before. Make note of the most important tasks and get those done first.
- Stick to your schedule.
- Give yourself a lunch break and complete personal tasks during that time.
- Have lots of water and healthy snacks available.
- Debrief and create your task list for the following day.
- Send daily updates to your team/manager.
- Declutter your space.
Do you have any tips for working from home? I'd love to hear them in the comments below!