Tips for "work-at-home noobs" of the COVID-19 era
Greg Gerosky
AKA: "THE PITCH DECK GUY" || **OBSESSED** with your communication materials. Helping clients WIN MORE and PITCH BETTER by transforming our client's approach from old-school <-TO-> new-age.
For many, working from home during the age of the COVID-19 epidemic is uncharted territory. However, for others it's something we've become quite accustomed to through years of practice. So if working from home is a new experience for you, here's a few tips to get you started so hopefully you can avoid some of the pitfalls most work-at-home noobs face at some point or another at the start of their journey.
In the beginning I fully enjoyed waking up in my underwear and tee-shirt then heading into my home office to work for the day. There's a simple satisfaction in knowing no one can tell you how to be (except perhaps your family of course) during your at-home work hours. However, I quickly learned that the way you dress for the day can in fact have a huge impact on your overall motivation and mindset of the hours to come. In my prior work, I would enter into my routine post-shower, dressing professionally, styling my hair, and adding a fresh shave should it be needed. So continuing that ritual Monday - Friday from home went a long way towards feeling more professional, and less likely to slip up (ie: watching Netflix for 2hrs on an extended "lunch break"). So slip on that watch, styl your hair, and put on those nice shoes... even if you're the only one who may see it. And for god's sake, WEAR PANTS.
Breaks can be a complicated thing when working from home. They can quickly turn into rabbit-holes of distraction that can be tough to break from. Alternatively, working for hours on end will result in burn-out. I first learned of work-sprints through a fantastic team called The Futur. One of their creative directors spoke of how he organized his day into timed "sprints". It's not a new concept by any means. Remember Grade School and High School? Back then, days were structured with work sprints, and brief intermissions along with longer break periods. Somewhere along the line we got away from that in the real-world workplace environment, but there are important lessons about productivity we can take away from those days. A little structure to your day, especially while working from home, is vital to keeping yourself motivated and focused.
If you have the means, get yourself a standing work station. Even if you don't.. build one. Stack books up if you need to. When you work in an office, you naturally take breaks to chat with co-workers, grab a snack, or head to a meeting. At home, you could literally spend the entire day at your desk or on the couch, only to find your legs barely work the next time you try to use them. All of us who work from home have encountered this "zombie legs" syndrome. Now I'm not saying you need to stand all day. I only recently invested in an electronic desk so I can alternate between sitting and standing depending on the activity or even just my mood. But I've learned I need to set a "time to stand" timer so I don't forget, or my shiny new desk is rendered useless. You'll be surprised how much energy you have once you spend at least some of your day standing. Energy can be the biggest loss you incur from working at home and it can be a complicated battle at first.
I recently renovated my home office and absolutely love the space. I spend 90% of my work day in my office. But even if your office is high-end luxury retreat, eventually, it gets old. Allow yourself to work outside for an hour, or at the dining room table, or even the bedroom. The change of scenery is necessary for your sanity, especially if we'll all be spending extended time in the same home day after day.
There it is, just a few tips for working from home if this is a new experience for you. Above all, enjoy your time at home whether alone or with family. Use it as a time to focus your life and your goals by staying productive and you'll come out of this insanity with a surprisingly sane view of things.
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