Tips When Creating Video With Your Phone pt.2
In a previous article I discussed 5 things that would assist you in making videos with your phone better, without having to use any editing software. In this article, I’m going to share 4 more tips.
The environment you choose to record in will be dictated by the industry you're in. For example, if your area of business is construction, and that is the focus of the video content you're creating, then ideally you should be wearing the appropriate attire to help best deliver the message, and be situated within a construction setting. However, you need to be mindful of the ambient noise, which leads nicely into bonus tip number 2.
Sound quality (microphone vs built in mic)
As good as the built-in microphones within mobile devices are, these only perform well if in a quiet space with little to no ambient noise.? If I refer back to the construction industry example, the built-in microphone on your phone amply isn't going to cut it, you will be drowned out by the activity of the site, and it will become distracting for the listener.? This is where a quality microphone comes in to its own.
You can pick these up for a reasonable price by simply typing, "microphones for mobile devices", or similar, into your internet search engine.
Consistency gets talked about a lot when it comes to content creation, but this is so much more than the time of day, or day of the week you post.? Think about intros and outro's, think about the length of the videos, the orientation, and the tone. Will your videos be serious, informative, informal, humorous?? Considering factors like this will assist in the consistency of your videos.
Don't over commit.
Another thing to consider is not to over commit yourself. If creating one video per month is all that you have time for, then create one video a month. If you try to post more frequently than you can manage long term, this is what people will come to expect. It's important to manage your own expectations as it is your viewers.
I hope you have found these additional tips helpful and recommend you go back and listen to episode 15 from 2023, just to remind yourself of the tips provided during that episode.
Until next time,
Be Creative. Be Inspired. Be You.