TIPS: Virtual Interview Preparation
Zoom video interviews and meetings are a regular part of virtual business meetings and the job application process. If you’re new to working from home, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re also new to using Zoom. As countless businesses switched to working remotely, and hybrid online interviewing has skyrocketed.
First impressions: This is your future employers first impression of you, your experience, your personality and how you would blend into the team.
Despite how common they’re becoming, the nuances of acing a virtual interview are only starting to be recognized. Many people make the understandable mistake of simply preparing as they would for a regular interview.
This is a whole different ball game though—it’s like being on TV, except you’re filming, directing,?and?acting in this role. Follow these tips and you’ll be set to score high marks from your performance.
15 minutes before:
5 minutes before: (these are the non-tech things)
1 minute before:
Wardrobe, Makeup, and surroundings
The cardinal rule of any interview: Dress to impress. On the internet, “dressing up” isn't limited to your clothes, it also includes your username and profile picture. Your Zoom info will be your employer’s first impression of you. If you’ve been using the same user name since middle school (I’m talking to you, PartyAngel99), it’s time for a change. Your profile picture is equally important. Choosing both a professional picture and username will prevent your employer from misjudging you or having to start off the interview by asking awkward questions.
You should also dress like you would for any other interview matter what your local time is, where you’re calling from, or how much of your outfit you think the interviewer can actually see. A colleague of mine once interviewed someone who wore sweatpants, an XXL t-shirt, and had just obviously gotten out of the shower. It wasn’t just awkward—it was disrespectful. Needless to say, they weren't hired. The last thing you want to do is seem like you couldn’t care less.
Lights… Camera…
We’ve all had that those annoying “can you hear me now?” moments. While most employers are forgiving, they’re also pressed for time. Your safest bet is to Zoom with a friend or family member before your interview and check all of the following:
???????The Set:?Find an appropriate place to make the call, and make sure to clean up the background. A keen employer will be inferring everything about your surroundings, so make sure to pick a representative location to have the Zoom call.
???????Internet Connection:?If your connection is flaky, find somewhere more stable. Dropped calls are understandable, but they distract from the interview and reflect poorly on your ability to plan ahead.??