Tips & tricks for a winning award entry
Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors
The only professional body for internal auditors in the UK and Ireland.
There’s still time to enter the Audit & Risk Awards – nominations close on 31 January. Entering the awards is not particularly onerous, but there are a few things you need to consider and have in place before you fill in the online forms.??
If you have a good story to tell and you want to showcase the outstanding performance of individuals or teams, you need to present it in the best possible way. Every story is different, but the judges have put together a list of dos and don’ts that they know make a real difference to how they view an entry.?
Remember, the judges are human! They can only assess an entry using what you tell them. So make it as easy for them to understand the detail as possible (exactly as you would when writing an audit report, but assuming less basic knowledge of your organisation). It’s important to step back and think about the outsider’s view – and may be worth running your entry past someone who has not been involved in the events it describes.?
Other key tips involve the age-old issues of being well-prepared and reading the criteria carefully. It’s easy to tell people everything you know, without checking that this includes everything they’ve asked for.??
After some discussion, the judges agreed not to accept supporting documentation because it is important that everyone is assessed fairly and with equal opportunities and space to present their evidence. The wordcount restriction is there to focus the nominators and encourage them to be concise – elegant prose is less important than targeted detail, so feel free to use bullet points.?
Of course, the judges want to select winners based on what they have done, not on how well they have written their nominations. However, the reality is that a hastily written, incomplete nomination will only tell half the story. This is frustrating for the judges, but, more importantly, will let down a potentially award-winning team. It’s no use afterwards saying “but we did that” if the detail was not in the nomination.?
So, enter the awards and please pass on the message to everyone else who should be entering. Winning an award from your industry body, assessed by your peers, is a huge accolade. Past winners have repeatedly told us that their award boosted morale and confidence in the team, and publicised their good work across their organisation in a way that has improved their reputations with management and future auditees. There’s nothing to lose, and so much to gain.?
The judges’ dos and don’ts?
View the full list of categories and get nominating by the 31 January 2023!??