Tips and Tricks for Job Seekers

Tips and Tricks for Job Seekers

Over the past year, I put together over 300 tips and tricks that I have posted here. Most were for Talent Acquisition professionals, some were for job seekers, and the rest were just random tips and tricks for anyone and everyone.

I am currently working on publishing books for these tips and tricks, but with so many layoffs happening right now I wanted to compile all of the jobseeker tips and tricks into one article.

If you are currently looking for a new role, check out these 80-plus tips and tricks to help you land a new job! If you know someone looking, feel free to send them this article!

Side note: There might be some repeats or irrelevant ones in here. I will edit it up a little more over the next day!

Tips and Tricks:

A lot of companies have talent communities. These are no different than signing up for a favorite brand and getting emails when they have new items. Except these will tell you when a fitting job has opened. If you have a company you want to work for, but they don't have anything at this time or you aren't ready to join them yet - join their talent community. Join a few. And as a start, here is one for the company that I work for!

If you are looking for a remote role, many job boards now have filters to narrow down your search. However, you can also use the following in your search: (remote OR virtual OR "at home" OR "from home").

Many are out of work right now and with that it can be difficult to pay for services to help find something new. There is a really great Facebook group that started at the beginning of the pandemic to help people with their resumes for free. Join the group here, post your resume, and connect with someone who can help:

Want to connect with the people responsible for hiring at your dream company? Use the string (sourcer OR sourcing OR recruiter OR recruiting OR talent) on here and start connecting with people! Keep an eye out for their job postings, learn about how to get in the door at their company, and when you apply for a fitting role you can send them a free message on here or email to follow-up!

These days, it's all about referrals. You can apply for hundreds of jobs, but you can get an offer faster by connecting with someone from your past. If you are looking for something new, connect with some previous colleagues who saw how hard of a worker you are and would go to bat for you. Find out what might be available on their team, their department, or just at their company. Hiring Managers trust their colleagues and are often more than willing to interview people first that their colleagues recommended over applicants.

When looking for a new job, make sure you know all of the different titles there could be for your desired role. If you are looking for a leadership role in manufacturing, example titles could be: Production Supervisor, Operations Leader, Manufacturing Team Lead. Research the companies you want to work for and see what they use for this type of role. Don't just use the most recent title you had. #jobseach #jobseekertips #careeradvice

If you are looking for a new role, add your email to your profile on here. Maybe even your phone number. That way, recruiters can reach you directly and easily. #jobsearch #jobseeking #jobseekertips

Follow companies that you want to work for on here and other social media sites. Read their posts, learn more about what they are doing, their goals, their motto, what their employees are up to. And then use these things in your interview with the company and show them why you belong there and that this won't be just another job to you. #jobsearch #jobseekertips #jobseekeradvice

Make sure you have a profile picture on here. Recruiters and Sourcers don't always reach out to someone on here without an image as they think they might not be responsive or maybe their resume isn't updated. Also, add a cover photo that tells a little more about you. It could be of the college you attended, a favorite vacation spot, or maybe even a certification that you received. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

When looking for a new job, set up alerts on Indeed, LinkedIn, Google, and everywhere else you can so you can start off your day with a new batch of jobs to apply to! You will also be one of the first to apply for these roles! #jobsearch #jobseeking #jobseekingtips #jobseekertips

If you have worked contract roles, were laid off from a company, a company you worked for closed - make sure you note these things on a resume. When someone is job hoppy, it can push people in talent acquisition away as that is one of the first things a hiring manager will ask us about. If we have more information to go off of from the start then there is a better chance we will still reach out. #jobsearch #jobsearchadvice #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #jobseeking #jobseekingtips

Become a subject matter expert in your field. Study everything you can. Read news about your industry. Take some free classes online. Then, start a blog, create a YouTube channel, build a website. Show people how much you know. These tools can be great ways to get noticed by a company and they can also be useful to send to a recruiter when you start interviewing for a role. #jobsearch #jobsearchadvice #careeradvice

Make sure you always list your education on your resume and profile. A lot of roles we work on require at least a Bachelor’s degree. If you don’t list this on your profile, we might not reach out. Even if the degree is not relevant to your industry or is from a long time ago, still make sure to list it. And don’t forget about trainings, certifications, classes, and any other types of additional education. #jobsearch #jobsearchadvice #careeradvice

A LinkedIn profile doesn't often explain your background like a resume does. Upload your resume to your profile and this should increase the amount of messages you get from those in Talent Acquisition regarding new career opportunities! And don't worry if you don't have one put together or maybe it needs a little work, as LinkedIn has a feature to help you build your resume!

Putting metrics on your resume can really make a difference! And this isn't just if you work in sales. Make sure your resume shows a few different facts and figures involving things like goals that you reached, growth you helped contribute to, or money you saved the company. Those in Talent Acquisition can use these things as selling points to the Hiring Manager to really show how much of an impact you can have if you join the company. #jobsearch #jobseeekers #careeradvice

When someone in Talent Acquisition asks you for your resume, make sure you don't just send a download of your Indeed or LinkedIn profile. A formatted resume is what we need to fully understand your background and experience and also sell you as a candidate to the hiring team. #jobsearch (Also, tip #52)

Hiring Managers really like to see candidates that come from direct competitors. They want to hire people who know the industry and can hit the ground running. If you are looking for a new role, find out who the competitors are for your most recent employer. Then, apply for fitting roles there and you should have a better chance of getting in the door. #jobsearch #careeradvice Y "

TGlassdoor isn't the only place to look up the reputation of a company. Indeed has a feature for this. Better Business Bureau is a good resource. Find out if you know anyone who work or worked at the company you are looking into and see what they have to say. #jobsearch #careeradvice

Jobseekers change their cover letter for each and every role they apply to, but don't use the same approach for their resumes. Don't just use the same resume for every job you apply to. Change it up a little to have it mirror the job description and requirements. #jobsearch #careeradvice

If you are looking for a new role, join Meetup groups in your area. You might not have been able to go out and be a part of these in the past, but they are now virtual. Make an introduction, make connections, find a mentor, find out who knows of vacant roles at their company. #jobsearch #careeradvice

When it comes to putting together your resume, don't just list skills at the top or bottom. Mention how you used them and when you used them in the body of your resume, otherwise a Sourcer or Recruiter might think you only had a little experience with that skill and it was recent. #jobsearch #jobseeekers #jobseekeradvice

If you are looking for a new job, make sure you have a professional voicemail set and an appropriate email address. You can always make an email something like [email protected] to use when it comes to your resume and online profiles. #jobsearch #jobseekertips #careeradvice

If you are looking to connect with people in your area, download Shapr on your phone! You can connect with people for career opportunities, find people to make movies with, find that missing guitarist for your band, and so much more!

When interviewing with a company, don't just talk about why the role excites you. Talk about why the company excites you. Read about history, culture, values, mission, goals, and future and bring these things up in your interview! #jobsearch #jobseekertips #careeradvice

If you are looking for a new role, utilize your local community. Check out Facebook groups, Nextdoor, talk to your neighbors. Don't just rely on applying for jobs. Referrals remain a top source for hires, so if you can find someone who will help you get in the door at their company, you can have a better chance this way of finding a new job! #jobsearch #jobseekertips #careeradvice

Many companies offer referrals fees. This means they will pay their employees for successfully referring someone they know to one of their available positions. This is a great way for the employee to make extra money and help someone find a new job and company. Ask your HR or Talent Acquisition department if you have one of these programs and help staff your company with dependable, hard-working, and intelligent people just like you!

When applying for jobs, don't just hit the Easy Apply button on Indeed and LinkedIn. Make sure that you actually apply for the role directly on the careers page for each company. This way, you get into the ATS, have a better chance of getting considered, and you will be kept in mind for future roles if you aren't hired for the role you applied for. #jobsearch #jobseekers #careeradvice

If a Sourcer or Recruiter reaches out to you about a role that doesn't seem like a fit, that doesn't meant the company doesn't have anything for you at the time. We don't work on every role, so there is a chance we have a colleague working on a better fitting role and we can connect you with them. #jobsearch #jobseekertips

If a Sourcer or Recruiter asks for a resume, make sure you send over something that is formatted. A PDF of your Indeed or LinkedIn profile only goes so far, as Hiring Managers really want to see something formal. Also, if you wind up applying to a role, you will need a resume for it. Just make sure you have an updated resume at hand at all times, in case a new opportunity comes up! #jobsearch #jobseekertips #careeradvice

When looking for a new job, keep an open mind when it comes to titles. You might be a Manager at a smaller company and a Supervisor role at another company might offer more pay, more career stability, more upward mobility, and these are just a few things to list. You're not always taking a step down and even if it seems that way, the other company might just offer a better door at the end of your climb. #jobsearch #jobseekertips #careeradvice

If you are looking to connect with a Sourcer or Recruiter at a specific company, see if you have any 1st connections at that company and then look at their person's contact information. If they list their work email, just use that format while plugging in the name of the person you are trying to connect with! #jobsearch #jobseekertips

If a Sourcer or Recruiter reaches out to you about a job, don't respond by telling them to call you anytime. They are busy and they know you are, as well. Provide them with a upcoming dates and times so you can easily get something on the calendar! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

When interviewing for a new role, make sure you ask questions. This will show your interest in the job and company and that you have done your homework. And don't feel like you need to wait for the interviewer to ask if you have any questions! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseeker

If you are looking for a new role, use the Who viewed your profile feature on here. Request to connect with those that could be a good resource. Some of the people might even be in Talent Acquisition and thought you might be a good fit for a role with their company. And you can always sign up for a free month of premium to see the full list! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Although there are some really great free resume services out there, sometimes it can make sense to put a little money into this service, if you have it. One good resource would be Adam Karpiak! He has helped many people in all different industries they often wind up with much higher salaries in their next role! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

It never hurts to apply for more than one job at a time at one company. One role might be further into process with an internal or external candidate and they are only focusing on them at this time. Or you might not be the front runner for one role. But that doesn't mean you can't get in the door and move faster for another role. Also, once you have applied for one role and you are in the company's system, it's usually much quicker and easier to apply for other roles. Don't give up, keep applying to roles that fit your background and experience! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new job, connect with Sourcers and Recruiters! You are looking for a job and we are looking to hire people. It is a great relationship from the start! But the one thing to make sure you never say is, "Hi! What jobs do you have for me?" Don't put them to work to do all of work. Give them something to work with. Let them know you applied for Req (Insert number here) and why you are a great fit. Tell them you checked their careers page and didn't see anything - but want to be added to their pipeline. Let them know the exact title you are looking for. Send them your resume. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Your resume does not have to fit on one page. This used to be the standard and even then it didn't make sense. Unless you are a recent grad, use whatever space you need to relay your experience, skills, education, certifications, and everything else that will let those hiring know why you are a fit! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #resumehelp #resumetips #resumewriting

Always send a thank you note as a follow-up to an interview. A quick email is just fine; no need for feather and ink. Thank the interviewer for their time, add a line or two about what excites you about the role, let them know you are looking forward to hearing about next steps, and it doesn't hurt to double-check if there is anything else they need from you. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

When applying for jobs, make sure you have done your research to learn about what a resume looks like and should include for those in your industry. If you are a Graphic Designer, a creative resume with a link to your portfolio. If you work as a Social Media Manager, add icons and handles for your accounts. If you are a Software Engineer, display the programs you have experience with and how proficient you are in each. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new role, find out where your previous colleagues now work. Find out where the last person in your role is employed. Apply to roles at these companies. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are a Software Engineer and you are looking for a new role, build a website for yourself and promote your work on there. Have a page for your work, one for your resume, another about you and what you want in your next role. Even if you aren't a Software Engineer, make your own website and advertise the heck out of yourself! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you have an interview coming up, do a practice interview with your significant other, roommate, parent, or friend. Have them ask you about your experience, strengths, weaknesses, and have them point out anything you get stuck on or any filler words you are using too often. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Check your Spam folder! Every once in a while, a Sourer or Recruiter that you are currently working with, or one that just has a good opportunity for you, has sent you something and it has gone unnoticed! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new role, make sure you have enough room on your Voicemail on your phone. You don't want to miss a call from someone you are already working with or someone who could just have the next opportunity for you! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Make sure you have a professional looking headshot on here. No need to hire a photographer or have it done at JCPenney, just use Portrait mode on a phone and take the picture yourself or have someone else take it for you! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new job, type #hiring into the search bar above and connect with some of the people! You can even follow the hashtag and be kept in the loop as new posts arrive! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new job or you are in Talent Acquisition, check out my article. And if you are in Talent Acquisition looking for a new job, these will help you find a job and then hit the ground running once hired! #jobsearch #jobseeker #sourcing #recruiting #talentaquisition

If you are a new grad looking for a start to your career, find out where your classmates have accepted roles. Talk to people within your Major. A lot of companies that are hiring entry-level people are hiring a few of these people, so you might be able to get in the door that way! Also, network with alumni! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #newgrad #notanad #idolovedisneythough

If you are one of the people who doesn't want to return to working in an office, you have options! Google, Indeed, LinkedIn - many places to look for jobs have a filter to narrow your search. Also, research companies that hire remotely and focus your search on those companies! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #remotejob #remotework #remoteworkforce

Facebook can be useful when looking for a new job. Not only to they have a Job search feature (, but you can join groups for your town and state and go from there! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you had a very unique title at a previous company, you should change it on your resume and profile to the standard title used in the industry. This will make you easier to find and it will make your background more understandable! #jobsearch #jobseeker #jobseekeradviceMake sure you have filled out the Skills section of your profile on here! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

When interviewing with a company, read about them in the news and bring up what you learned and are excited about during your interview! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Use the Who viewed your profile feature every few days, as there just might be your next hire there! #sourcing #recruiting #talentaquisition

Make sure you are filling out the body of your LinkedIn profile. Don't just list your Title, Employer, and Dates - list what you did in each role, metrics, programs that were used. Make your profile look like your resume! #jobsearch #jobseeker

If the Recruiter doesn't send a calendar invite regarding an Interview, set one on your personal email calendar! And set a reminder on your phone! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #careeradvice

Save every email and every message you get from a Recruiter regarding a job. You might be happy where you are at the time, but anything can happen. When you find yourself back in your job search, you can follow-up.

If you are looking for a job right now, revisit your email and LinkedIn Inbox and see if any of those roles are still available! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Did you know that Bumble is not just a dating app? It is also a place to find your next job! If you are looking for a job, download the app and start networking! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

Just like a resume, you should always have a few recent and relevant written references at hand. Even if you are happily employed, anything can change at any time. Ask a few of your current or previous colleagues to write something for you. And when interviewing with a company, give these references the names and titles of those that might be calling them to ask about you! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking for a new job, don't be afraid to apply for a role at a previous employer. As long as you left on a good note, you might just have a good chance of getting back in the door! #jobsearchtips #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips

If you are looking to go back to school, there are plenty of employers that offer assistance with continued education. Find out if your currently employer offers this or if you are in your job search - find out if your future employer offers this. #jobsearch #jobseeker #careeradvice

Glassdoor isn't just for reviewing a company, they have a job search function. Check it out if you are looking for a new role! #jobsearch #jobseeker

When interviewing for a new job, make sure you really look at the whole compensation package. Though you might not be seeing a big salary increase in a role, the company might cover more healthcare and offer better options for your retirement. Check out this article I wrote for more examples: #jobsearchadvice #jobsearchi #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #careeradvice

It is illegal in most states for a Recruiter to ask for your current salary. Whether or not you are in one of these states, if you are asked this question - tell the interviewer what you are looking to make in your next role. #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #careeradvice

If you are interviewing for a role, don't be afraid if the Recruiter asks "Who else do you know?" It most likely means that there are multiple openings! Don't think of it as you going up against people you know, think of it as you bringing your friends and colleagues into your next endeavor! #jobsearch #jobseekeradvice #jobseekertips #interviewingtips

When interviewing for a job, make sure to not badmouth any current or previous employer or colleague. Even if you are having or had a bad experience at a company or with a manager or colleague, spin it. Don't use the words "he," "she," they," them," and instead talk about yourself and why you needed the change. #jobsearch #jobseeker #jobseeking

If you are attending a networking event or career fair soon, make yourself business cards! Places like Vistaprint have many different options and are often running promos. And hey, if you have any left over - you can maybe win a free lunch! #jobsearch #jobseeker #jobseeking

Kickresume helps you build your resume in minutes. Check it out here:

Boolean isn't just for those of us in hiring. And that's what I want to really express putting these strings together. Boolean is also great for job seekers, online shoppers, and anyone and everyone who uses the world wide web. If you are looking for a remote job, add (remote OR virtual OR home) to your search to narrow your search down! #boolean #jobsearchstrategies #jobsearchstrategy #jobsearching #jobhuntingtips

If you are looking for a new job and you want to connect with the right person at your desired company, use the string: (sourcer OR sourcing OR recruiter OR recruiting OR recruitment OR "talent acquisition" OR "talent coordinator" OR "talent management") along with the name of the company you want to work for! #jobseeker #jobseekersupport #jobseekertips #jobseekerhelp #jobseekeradvice #jobsearch #jobsearchstrategies #jobsearchstrategy #jobsearchingtips #jobsearchtips #jobsearchadvice

If you are putting together your resume or Indeed or LinkedIn profile, only list languages that you are proficient in. Things that are more of elementary level or familiarity are not of relevance. If you are bilingual, trilingual, a polygot - Make sure to list this on your resume! #jobsearch #jobseeker #languages

Leave a URL of your Indeed profile on your LinkedIn profile and vice versa. This gives recruiters an extra place to connect with you. #jobseekeradvice #jobsearchadvice

Make sure you don't have multiple Indeed profiles or LinkedIn profiles, as this can throw off a Recruiter. Run a search for yourself on each platform. If you find more than one profile, see if you can delete it on your own. If not, reach out to the Customer Support team and have them remove the older, outdated one. #jobsearchtips #jobseekers

If you are looking for a new role, one thing you can do is spell your job title wrong on one part of your profile. I know that it sounds funny, but sometimes us Sourcers and Recruiters spell something wrong in our search and could come across your profile and not many others. #jobsearch #jobseekers

Take time off! It is super important for your mental health. Make sure you work for a company that values time off. When interviewing with a company - ask about it in your interview, read reviews, talk to people you know who work at the company. I will be out of the office all next week and I am looking forward to some downtime! #timeoff #vacation

Since starting at Indeed, I have had a lot of people ask how to get their foot in the door with our company. Here is the advice that I give to anyone wanting to get in the door here or anywhere else: ? Apply to jobs that you know you are a fit for. Run down the bullets of the Requirements section and make sure you fit a good amount of them. ? Apply to roles on our careers page ( and not just a place where you can do Easy Apply. This way, you have a better chance of being seen and you will be added to our Talent Community in case the role you applied for isn't a fit at this time. ? Don’t apply to roles that are out of your wheelhouse. For example, a new grad entering the professional market for the first time with 0 years of professional work experience applying to a Director-level role overseeing an entire department ? See if you have any connections at Indeed, family, friends, alumni, previous colleagues. If so, have them refer you to a role. ? Slightly change up your résumé for each job that you apply for. Make sure that your resume highlights your experiences that are relevant to the role. ? Connect with people at the company using the following in the search above: (sourcer OR sourcing OR recruiter OR recruiting OR recruitment OR talent). Keep an eye out for roles they are directly working on and connect with them from there. ? Don’t apply to too many roles. Sometimes this will discourage TA people from looking at other applications because they think you have been rejected for a legit reason and not just because you applied to roles you weren’t a fit for. Some of our jobs can get thousands of applicants, so you might not hear back right away. Or you might even hear back when the role has been filled. But stay patient and keep applying to the roles where you know you can come in and hit the ground running. *I edited this up today after some people made some good suggestions!

Robin (.

Global Manufacturing Operations (GMO) // Technology & Operations (T&O) Consultant

2 年

Very informative. Thank you for this detailed and easy to digest article.

Diana Engelhardt

Vendor Project Manager@ Welocalize | Certified in Cybersecurity, Remote Workforce Management

2 年

Fantastic resource. Thank you so much for putting this together.

Jonathan H.

Executive Recruiter @ Turning Point | Hiring exceptional and talented individuals for our growing organization

2 年

This is an awesome list. Ton of great information.


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