Tips and Tricks to Good Video Content

Tips and Tricks to Good Video Content

My hairdresser?always watches my Reels and TikToks?so we did a crash course on what I use to make Reels and TikToks that AREN'T complicated and easy to pump out.?(also, Hey Brian if you're reading this! Love my haircut!)

After quite a few viral videos and millions of views- I feel confident in telling you what has worked for me. BUT our audiences are always different so make sure to test different angles, lighting and content with your audience to see if it works for them.

"But Corrie! Don't you do marketing for a living? Haven't you been at this for years?" Great question and no. When I video my clients, it's with super expensive equipment and long-form content (videos are a few minutes long as opposed to a few seconds). What I'm going to show you today is so much easier and something you can absolutely do at home on your cell phone! Short-form video content is what's in and that's what we are going to cover today.?

??InShot: Inshot is the app I use and it's available on Apple and Android. I paid for the lifetime deal as it was cheaper in the long run and I don't see videos taking a back seat in marketing anytime soon. Paying for the app allows you to have 0 ads and there is no Inshot watermark in or after your videos. To me- it's worth it. The app is either $3.99 a month, $14.99 a year, or $34.99 for a lifetime. A similar app with just as many raving reviews is CapCut. Works the exact same way and it comes down to whatever you prefer. I started with Inshot so that's why I use it over Capcut. Your camera app on your phone can do some of these features, but these apps are geared towards video content and make it so much easier.?

??Film vertically: You always wanna film vertically (that means the same way your phone looks when you're texting is how you wanna hold it when videoing). The aspect rations?(or shape of the screen people are watching on) typically is vertical viewing like a cell phone screen. If you film vertically, more of your video can be seen and you'll take up more space on the screen. We also have moved to watching things vertically so you wanna make sure you give the folks what they want. Nothing will make your audience scroll faster than having to turn their phone sideways to view the content!?

?? Do voiceovers: Inshot and Capcut (as well as in editing software in TikTok and Instagram) allow you to voiceover your content. This gives your audience crystal clear audio without having you buy super expensive audio equipment. It also allows you to capture the attention of your audience without the ums or uhs. I'll actually do a voiceover, delete it and record again so that I can take out any awkward pauses and make sure my voice is excited so my audience will be excited too.?

??Aim for under a minute: In today's day and age, we are consuming content at an unprecedented rate. This calls for shorter videos to keep people's?attention and stop them from scrolling. I've tested it and shorter videos get better views. TikTok has the option for 15 seconds, 60 seconds, 3 minutes and now the 10 minutes feature is rolling out. Think about your audience. What do they wanna consume? Consider your customer when creating videos. Think about their lives. Are they busy? Running around with day-to-day tasks? If so, aim for less than 60 seconds to keep your watch time up and folks there to the end.?

??Add music: Add music within the app you're posting (and not the app you're?editing in). Most music has a copyright in some form on it, so using the music within TikTok or Instagram will help your audio from getting cut and keep your video up and getting views. This means doing your voiceover within Inshot and then uploading it to TikTok or Instagram and adding the music they allow your account to access. Make sure to look for music that is longer than your video length so it doesn't cut off and you get that awkward silence halfway through. I actually always listen to the video 1 time through before publishing so I can make sure everything sounds good to go. Also, make sure your music is turned down pretty far. We don't wanna fight to hear your voice over the added audio. On Instagram, I'll make my music around 6 and in Inshot, I'll make my voice audio around 42%.??

??Captions: Keywords matter and you wanna make sure you use your captions to the fullest!! Apps like TikTok and Youtube Shorts want their platforms to become the new Google and keywords will get your videos more views. TikTok recently allowed you to have 2,200 characters (Instagram has the same) to let you give your video the best description possible. I like to make a video and then add an extra tip in my caption. This gets me more saves and, in turn, more reach!?

??Repurpose Content: The biggest reason I love InShot is because I can save my drafts and come back and edit my voiceover to make brand new content without all the work. The thing to remember is if you delete the individual video clips from your library, you won't be able to pull up your drafts to edit. So either keep your video clips until you've gotten all the juice out of them or bring in your edited video, turn off the sounds and re-record your new audio!?

??Don't delete your videos: Once you've uploaded your videos- DO NOT DELETE THEM. Sometimes your views won't pop off and you'll want to delete the video and try posting later. Don't do that. Videos can take off weeks after they have been posted and you could be taking your next viral content away from yourself. Instead, post up the same video again if your first one didn't perform. Believe me, ain't nobody keeping track of what you have and haven't posted so reuse that content and it may hit the algos just right the second time.?

??Be consistent: I found that I have more views when I'm consistently posting vs posting a bunch and taking a break. Post 3 times a week at the same time each day you post. You are training your audience on when to tune into your content. The more they expect it, the more they interact with it and the more you'll end up at the top of their feeds when you log in. Don't post a bunch of videos at the same time. Post one and hold onto the others until your next scheduled video posting day. Too much content from one account will get you fewer views and engagement.?

??Camera Settings: Make sure your video settings in your phone are of the right quality. Most phones will default to a battery-saving setting and can degrade or compress your video quality. Make sure to go into your camera settings and manually check that it is set to a higher quality. Also, make sure to go into Instagram, Facebook and TikTok and make sure your videos are uploaded in the highest quality. Platforms like Instagram will compress your content if you aren't connected to a wifi source so you'll wanna override it. InShot will let you save your videos in 1080p and 4k (TikTok does not accept videos in 4k so make sure to choose 1080). You can also save as 30 frames per second or 60 frames per second. I typically do 1080 at 60 fps.?

??Cut out the boring: Not every single part of your video is exhilarating. So cut those parts out. InShot allows you to Split videos and delete parts that might be too long or don't add value. You wanna make sure you grab their attention right off the bat. I'll cut down a video to right before my hands enter the screen so that I can snag their attention and keep them there. You can also use InShot to speed up different parts of your video. Doing a roofing job- film them and speed it up so we can watch the job getting done but get back to our lives too.?

??Different content ideas: Your audience loves you and what you do, but show them around town! Highlight farmer's markets. Show off that new coffee spot. Take them behind the scenes with your family at a park. Video is an amazing way to grow a connection with your audience so don't get scared to get in front of the camera and film yourself every once in a while.

??I hope these tips help. I use them every day in my own content so I know they work. Any other tips- add em in the comments!


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