[ Tips & Tricks ] Generate BPM Sources in Kinetic ERP 2021.2
In Kinetic 2021.2 & maybe 2021.1 BPM Sources (ServerPath\BPM\Sources) are no longer generated by default.
If you are like me, you benefit from the?Server\BPM\Sources?folder.
In previous Epicor versions the Sources were generated by default for the following types:
BPM - Revert Back to ERP 10 Behavior
In order to revert back to the 10.2 behavior, simply edit your web.config and navigate to the customizationSettings node & add?dumpSources=“true”?to each individual Type you want to get sources generated for.
<add name="BPM.BO" folder="BO" dumpSources="true" />
<add name="BPM.DT" folder="DT" dumpSources="true" />
<add name="BPM.Ubaq" folder="Ubaq" dumpSources="true" />
<add name="GenericImport" folder="EF" />
<add name="EDI" folder="OM\UD" />
<add name="ElectronicInterface" folder="EI" />
<add name="Expressions" folder="ECF" />
<add name="Posting" folder="PE" />
<add name="ProductConfigurator" folder="PC" dumpSources="true" />
BPM - Enable Individually
If you don't want to enable it globally for all BPMs. In Kinetic ERP you will notice new checkboxes in Method Directives Maintenance & Data Directives Maintenance that allow you to enable Dump Sources per BPM.
* This may work for BPMs, but I am unable to confirm at this time how to enable it individually for Product Configurator.
EFX - Generate Epicor Function Sources
In order to generate EFX Sources, edit your web.config and navigate to the appSettings node & add the following:
<add key="DumpEfxSources" value="true" />
Now when you work with Epicor Functions you can see the generated code and use it as a learning opportunity.
* This applies to Epicor ERP 10.2 as well.
EFX - Enable Individually
Just like BPMs you can enable Dump Sources individually in Epicor Functions Maintenance.
Other Notable Changes
FileSystem Provider No Longer Supported
If you were using the FileSystem Customization Storage Provider, it can’t be used anymore, and you will be forced to use?SqlBlob.