Tips on Training your Brain

Our brains have the ability to change and adapt throughout our lives based on the information we feed them. We can mold our brains just as we can shape our bodies. If you don’t feel particularly talented or smart in one field, you can always study and train your brain to absorb, retain, and utilize the information.

Within the last 20 years, scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries in regards to neuroplasticity, or the idea that our brains make new connections and pathways as we feed them new information. So, by stimulating and challenging the brain, we can become sharper, wiser, and mentally stronger!

If you’re wondering how exactly to train your brain, here are some tips straight from Harvard University:

#Cover the basics: Eat a healthy, mostly unprocessed diet. Get quality sleep. Avoid smoking. Drink alcohol in moderation, and keep in touch with friends and family.

#Get a physical exam once per year so you can stay on top of your health and rule out any major issues.

#Challenge your brain. Do brain quizzes (like the ones above), learn a new skill, or take courses either online or in person.

#Keep yourself happy: easier said than done, but it pays off immensely in the end. People who have a positive mindset have better health, in general.

#Repeat what you have learned. If you took up a new hobby, practice it often so you learn to master it. If you do brain quizzes, make sure to engage in them at least several times per week. Finally, if you decided on taking a course, make sure you take tests regularly so that you can see what you’ve learned.

#Stay organized. The key to becoming the master of your brain is to only use it when absolutely necessary. For example, if you find that you lose items around the house often, have a designated spot for them so you don’t have to waste valuable brain energy on locating them.


