Tips for Trainers/Educators in managing the nerves ..

Tips for Trainers/Educators in managing the nerves ..

There is, of course, all the traditional advice of how to manage your own nerves like:

  • Preparation and rehearsal. In your preparations, make sure you plan the processes you are going to use, as well as the content to be covered. This is essential.
  • Ensure you have enough content to go overtime, so if you get through everything fast you will be ready. Plan some revision activities.

Other nerve suppressants (besides valium) could include:

  • Arrive early, set up the room to your specification and claim the space.
  • Have a personal prop like “Linus’s Security Blanket” that marks the room out as yours for the session. Many of you have seen Laurie's brightly colour mexican blanket in use - once that is out on his Presenter's Table, he OWNS that space.
  • How does your training room look and feel??Create the atmosphere that you want before the participants arrive.?Energetic? relaxed? soothing?
  • Have some music going for their arrival.
  • Mentally rehearse how you ideally want the day to go. Visualise it - once you have it firmly in your mind, the day will flow accordingly.
  • Be confident that what you are delivering is worthwhile and that you are the expert in regards to the topic.??Change any self-doubt to positive talk.
  • Do some Centering exercises to focus yourself.
  • Breathe deeply and imagine you are grounded through the floor.
  • Use the Pencil Technique: Do your chart work in pencil before they arrive. They will never see the pencil lines from where they are sitting and all you do is draw over them in coloured pens during your talk. It looks impressive, especially if you use symbols and key words. It will definitely end your fear of forgetting something.

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