Tips & Tools for Writing Faster, Better & Smarter

Finding the time to write is one challenge. Using the time you have to write the best words you can write, in the fastest way possible, is another challenge altogether. Also, having the right tools can make all the difference! Just try to slice a loaf of bread with a butter knife, and you’ll quickly grow frustrated and be tempted to quit. A newly sharpened bread knife will have you enjoying that slice of homemade bread in no time. The right writing tools will have you easily writing in no time at all!

Let’s focus on two important aspects of quick, quality writing: organizational and practical.

I am going to share some tools you can use to capture your maximum word count in minimal time. I'm a pragmatist, and I believe sometimes you have to stop or slow down to speed up. 

Set the Stage

Get organized. Let’s look at this from a logical perspective: any writing project is like a long trip. You wouldn’t just throw a few things into your suitcase and roll out the door. You take into consideration your destination, the weather, the best route to take to get there. And, of course, you’re going to make sure your cats are well cared for in your absence. Take the time to identify your goals: number of words and target completion date, for starters. Get everything you need in place to allow for maximum productivity.

Plan ahead. I run two businesses and have a hand in a few others. I’m a wife, mom, friend … and more. You, like me, have a dozen or more commitments other than writing. Writing must make it to the top of your priority list. You must identify your blocks of writing time and schedule them well in advance. On Sunday evenings, I confirm my 6-7 a.m. writing block is intact for the week, and then I carve out other times (sometimes just 15 minutes, other times several hours) to squeeze in my work-in-progress. Without this attention to making writing time a priority, I could easily let weeks or months pass without making sufficient progress on any project. 

Get your mind right. While I’ve written about mindset in other posts, how you think about your writing (and if you can find the time to do it) is worth a mention here. Making the commitment to find the time, combined with keeping an eye out for opportunities, will help you to write thousands, if not tens of thousands, of words in a short period.

Find your flow state. When you finally do find yourself with those precious moments with which to write, it is imperative the words flow through your fingers (or lips). Just as you can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought, a wasted writing moment is akin to a tragedy! Well, not really, but I’m sure you have found yourself with the time to write without the accompanying “joie de vivre.” 

Get psyched and ready for your writing time with words. Say something awesome to yourself, such as Every time I sit down to write, the words flow quickly and effortlessly! or I can write anywhere!

Use the power of music. I accidentally put on my running playlist during a writing session, and it was the best session I’d had in a while. Note to self; upbeat music works wonders. Identify the triggers that set you off – in a great way – and allow you to write at your best.

Tools for the Win! 

The right tools make all the difference. Here are just a few you’ll want to try:

Write Right. There are multiple ways to get the words in your head out and on paper. The trick is finding the one that works best for you. Handwriting is a fantastic way to access your brain’s creativity, and while not the fastest, it can yield excellent results. Many present-day authors swear by their process of writing words and then typing them into their draft. If writing down the words works best for you, make sure you have the best paper and writing instruments. Sharpen those pencils or test your pen, so you have them when you need them most.

Typing your words is an obvious option, but have you considered the power of using online resources to learn how to type efficiently or even increase your typing speed? can teach you how to type if up until now you’ve been “hunting and pecking” or would like to sharpen your skills. shows you how to touch type, and uses competition and timed races to help improve your typing speed. The top typists on the site clock in at over 200 wpm, which is the equivalent of 12,000 words per hour (the equivalent of a respectable full day’s work for any writer)!

Apps. Most writers use one application or software for their manuscripts. I alternate between Scrivener and Word. My author buddy, Brian D. Meeks, swears by Storyist (especially for fiction). In Word, I have a book template complete with formatted paragraphs, headers, and even a Table of Contents. I can just open a new document, or a work-in-progress, and start writing.

Dictation Software. Many, many writers (including myself) swear by dictation software to alleviate the need to type while simultaneously increasing word counts by many times. I began using Dragon Naturally Speaking in 2011 and have consistently used it to produce a dozen or more writing projects in a year’s time. While there is a mindset shift that’s needed, along with a slight learning curve and the need to adapt one’s writing approach, the results speak for themselves. In addition to Dragon, there are several other options including Google Docs Voice Typing, Speechnotes, and Braina.

By setting the stage to ensure you have an ideal writing environment, combined with the right tools, means you will finish your work-in-progress with the least amount of stress and with time to spare.

I hope this gave you insight into how to prepare a future book, or take your writing game in a current WIP up a notch or two. If you have questions, leave 'em in the comments! 


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