Tips to stand out your Android App

Tips to stand out your Android App

There are many applications that are available on the Google Play Store and App store. But there are many few among all that are famous and the audience gets to hear about them. The count of such applications is half.

These mobile applications exist for many years and from the beginning, it has been great competition and needs to push the limits way off to stand out the application from millions. If the app develops by the Mobile Application Development Companies in UAE or around the globe get reorganization then it will be the great achievement for them. The clients really want to know that is not there any way that will guarantee the success of the developed product in the market? One simple way to do is to equip your application with the precise and useful application features to leave its mark. This will help the app to get tremendous recognition from the audience in no time.

If you really want to know such features for the Mobile App Development Abu Dhabi, then these are listed below in a sequential manner.

Facility of Social Media login

After launching the application for the first time on their mobiles the first thing they notice is the “Login Screen”. Entangle in the first step is not at all good in the first step. First, craft the application in an appealing manner so that users of the app will not leave it and gave up on the first step of login itself. This is one of the hardest jobs for the professional Mobile Application Development Companies in Dubai to engage the users and make them register for the app to use.

 The best way to do is to adopt the logic of social media. This is the great way to allow the users of the app to allow sharing the social media details of their account from the database by the login. This is the smart way to give them a way to not input their details manually in the fields. This will not only save the efforts, time but also make the clients relax. The platforms that are much used by the people nowadays are presenting below are the most popular among all logins of social media platform options:

·        Google Login

·        Facebook

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

For the App Developers Abu Dhabi, the selection of the right development environment for the mobile app is one of the toughest and long-term core strengths. The most of the developers select the android, iOS and Windows operating system to build the app.

The most prominent environments of the integrated development are listed below:

·        Android studio for Android app

·        XCODE for iOS

The Android studio supports the C, C++, Kotlin and as well as Java for Android IDE while XCODE commonly includes the Objective-C, C, C++, AppleScript, Jave, Phyton and as well as Ruby.

UX Design and Application Interface

Before the login screen, the first thing that attracts the users towards the application is an interface. The Android App Development Dubai not always uses the interface that is out of the ordinary but the most preferred thing in the interface of the app is that it should be clean and clears and portrays the clear idea of the application. The app that is developed has the ease of operations, has a easy navigation and must be in layman's tongue. It has to be ripped and use the visual communication that improves the user experience out-of-order. The all features of the app are organized and have the capability to benefits the users.

The crucial factors that are considered important in the UX design are the application architecture, problem-solving ability and user research of the app should be easy and simple.

Mobile App personalization

There are some companies that think that the personalization features of the app are not important and think that the app is built exclusively according to the requirements and the preferences of the users. Not all the features of the application but allow the users to personalize the look of the app according to their choice. Make them change the skins, background, sounds effects and fonts etc.

When the personalization effect comes of user intent, user-based suggestions depending on the history of the user purchase. From the research, it is proved that there is 75% audience that prefers to buy the things from the app that called them by their names and personal preference. And one more study concludes that the personalization feature in-app would reap 15% profit.

The application should be up-to-date

Everyone loves the changes now or then. The Mobile App Development UAE audience demands the little tweak to feel the app updates. If the developers are able to succeed and give them change, the users will engage and will visit the app again and again.  The updates of the application will not come under its features unless the new features will introduce in the build that are missing in the first fix all the issues of running app. This makes the app perfect and error-free to use for the users.

Mobile App Performance

If the users download your application and start using it for, here the performance of the application that is developed by the professional or the Freelance App Developers Dubai develop kicks in. The applications that are taking the more than 3 second to load have the higher abandon rate while if the app takes less than seconds to load it is much preferred by the audience. The faster load time will help to use less RAM and also optimize the battery use.

There are some other factors that most of the top companies used to measure the performance of the developed application like the latest Doze Optimization, ListView Scroll and much more. The applications that take less time will save the battery life more and reduce the draining chances.

Search Filter and sort application features

If the application that is designed by Mobile App Design Dubai companies contains the features of search, filter and sorting then it is perfect. If the app is an inventory of items then it is imperative to do not skip the feature of search from it. If the users are looking for some specific thing they can move to the search bar and can easily get to the product/service or item they are in search of. The some of the e-commerce websites are using the full-screen filters and also list their filters which are called Filer Form.

Inlogic UAE is one of the leading mobile app development companies that create the best app for the valuable customers. So if you are planning to develop the app for the business, make a contact with us and get what you are looking for.




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