Tips for Smoother Finances During & After Divorce
Robert G. Hetsler, Jr. J.D. CPA
Inspirational Leader, Spiritual Warrior, Life & Business Strategist, Author, Entrepreneur Talks about #Overcoming Adversity, #Leadership through Inspiration, #Belief System, #Success #Importance of Progress
A universal truth is that #divorce can be expensive. And while most, thankfully, won’t end up in the tabloids precisely because of how much each side spent battling their ex, even a typical divorce can be prohibitively expensive for the parties involved.
This recent article outlines five ways you can keep a lid on divorce expenses. Read the details there, or peruse a quick summary below:
1. Try mediation – rather than fighting over every issue in the courtroom, try and resolve as much as possible through agreements made during mediation.
2. Create a future budget – this allows you to focus realistically on rebuilding your nest egg and keeping a lid on expenses
3. Close all joint accounts – this is the very first step you should take, to avoid any unnecessary surprises along the way
4. Update all beneficiary information – after the divorce is finalized, make sure you know who will receive your life insurance proceeds if you were to pass away.
5. Closely monitor your credit report – pull your report as soon as you know a divorce is imminent, then keep an eye on it throughout, and after, the proceedings.
Going through a divorce can lead to financial uncertainty and concern. Visit our website to learn how a Divorce Transitional Support Advisor can help you or your client regain financial stability after a divorce.