Tips for Sleeping After Shoulder Surgery

Tips for Sleeping After Shoulder Surgery

By: Dr. Kruse

Sleep. The incredible time when our body is at work healing itself and our brain processes the day while we do nothing. We don’t consider our sleep patterns too often until they are interrupted. Then, we realize that sleep, or the lack of it, affects us more than we realize.

This is especially true for patients when they are recovering from shoulder surgery. It’s common for patients to have difficulty sleeping after shoulder surgery as they can’t seem to get comfortable at night. But sleep is an important part of the healing process.

So what should a patient do to ensure they get the critical sleep they need to help heal? Use the following tips from Dr. Kevin Kruse, a board-certified, fellowship-trained, orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder injuries and arthroscopic shoulder surgery at Texas Orthopaedic Associates in Dallas.

  1. Sleep on an Incline. Sleeping on an incline for 4-6 weeks after surgery is best. Do not sleep flat on your back during this part of recovery. In fact, for the first week or two, a recliner may be the most comfortable option. Another way to help sleep on an include is to purchase a 45-degree wedge to provide a stable base to prop yourself up in the bed.
  2. Wear your sling to sleep. Wearing your sling during the day helps provide protection and also keeps your arm in the proper position. The same is true at night. By wearing your sling when you sleep for the first week, you can help protect your shoulder from movement and keep it properly positioned.
  3. Use a pillow prop. Place a small pillow between your healing shoulder and your torso for extra support to keep circulation open to your shoulder. Our blood carries oxygen which promotes the growth of collagen and helps control infection, so maintaining good blood flow is essential for healing.
  4. Time your medications. Help ensure you are pain free when you’re sleeping by planning out your mediation schedule so you are taking your pain medication about 30 minutes before bedtime. Not only will it help to alleviate pain so you can fall asleep, but taking your medication right before bed will give you a longer period of rest before having to wake up again to take your next dose of medication.
  5. Ice before bed. Icing your shoulder before you go to sleep will help numb the nerves and reduce inflammation which will help you get to sleep faster. Don’t forget to use a towel or soft cloth between the ice and your skin to avoid irritation or even frostbite.

Resting after any surgery is critical so your body can heal effectively. While it may be difficult to get comfortable in the early days after your procedure, these tips can help to minimize that discomfort so you can maximize your sleep.

If you find you still can’t sleep well two weeks after surgery, call your physician so they can evaluate your healing and determine any adjustments to your treatment that will help you get the sleep your body needs.


