Tips to shoot baby
Prasenjeet Gautam
| Photographer | Blogger | Editor | Entrepreneur | Image analyst | Teacher |
As a photographer, I can assure you capturing baby, kid, child, children are very hard to capture as per your requirement. One of the toughest challenging job to capture the kid & baby. They will never listen to you, will never follow your guidance and if they do not like your face then forget the photoshoot (hahaha). The biggest problem for the photographer is how to be friendly with the baby or kid. That's our job to be more friendly with the kid. Once you are happily friendly with the baby then your photoshoot project is winning always.
How to handle when you are shooting the baby or kid. There are always better possibilities to shoot baby when you follow a few important tips. Let's discuss the tips and hoping for the batter baby photoshoot in future.
Be friendly - The important task to be friendly with your kid, baby etc, Let baby talked to you and can understand you that you are not going to harm him/her with your camera equipment. make sure that the baby never cries because you have to shoot the fresh face always. Always show your face while shooting because the kid has to interact with you, not with the lens, always remember that never ever hide your face behind the camera, keep the kid busy with your face.
Natural Shot- When we shoot adult or matured person, we always guide them as per the shooting requirement, can ask them to change their pose always but not in case of shooting baby. It is better to shoot natural poses. Let the baby do whatever he/she is doing. Never ever interrupt. You must be enough creative to capture the better shot out of his natural movements.
Background- Always use a simple or natural background, you can shoot in the park or garden, public place, play station etc. You can plan a white background when shooting inside the studio or home. Never ever use expensive, highly creative background etc. I shoot this kid on the roof when he was playing happily. The background does not matter sometimes when you are getting good poses.
Shoot at their level- Avoid taking shots from the top. shoot at their level and they will give you more good poses. The kid will also create good eye contact and that's very important to keep in focus. You can sit in front of him and capture him at your best.
Carry a colourful toy- Always carry a prop means any toy so that this toy can keep the kid busy. This toy can make the kid laugh, can give you a smile and can play with this toy. That's very important why I am writing about this toy because Kid must be familiar with his/her own and old toys but when you show something different then definitely he will be happier and will give more good poses.
Few Important camera settings
- Shoot on aperture mode
- Shoot on continuous mode
- Use handy camera and lens, avoid heavy lenses because big things can scare kids.
- Use flashgun if shooting outside
Keep experimenting and have wonderful and happy photography to you all.
Photographer & blogger Prasenjeet Gautam ( has captured the above images. Model name - Vishnu Singh, India