Tips For Selling Your Home If You Have Kids To Convince

Tips For Selling Your Home If You Have Kids To Convince

Disney World as a surprise trip? Try it out! A sudden relocation away from everything your kids know and love? Not really.



Here are my top 5 dos and don'ts when selling your house and moving with children.

1. Don't let it catch you off guard. Be as upfront and truthful as you can, and address ALL of their inquiries in a direct and sincere manner.

2. Allow your children to visit their new house. Before moving day, if at all feasible, schedule a kid-friendly tour of your new house. Allow them to explore every area and experience the thrill that comes with moving.

3. On the day of the move, don't count on them to be "excellent little helpers." In actuality, their presence will increase YOUR stress. On the day of the relocation, and most likely the day before, make childcare arrangements with friends or relatives. Knowing that your children are having a blast will make you much more at ease.

4. Do keep their favourite items out of the way. Bring all their favourite toys, plush animals, and, for older kids, the new wifi password, to welcome your children home. Kids' rooms should be unpacked first so that they have a space to play while the rest of the house is being set up. Unpack kids’ rooms first so they’ll have a place to play while you set up the rest of the house.

5. Make food reservations for moving day. Don't make moving more difficult by skipping meals. Before your relocation, place a takeaway order to be delivered early the next day, long before you and the kids become hangry (hungry + angry).


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