“I’ll start next week.” or “I don’t have time.” How many times have we said these things and the next day or next week comes, and you still don’t do what you intended to do? There are simple ways to stop this from happening to you in the future. If you can relate to this, take note, and implement these tips into your daily routine.
- Find Something That Excites You. Do you have something that makes you want to jump out of bed and be excited to get to it? If not, I suggest you find a hobby or project that excites you. When you do this, it helps you develop the habit of getting right to the tasks that you need to do, and it’ll carry over to other parts of your life.
- Become Discipline. Do what you know you need to do even when you don’t want to do it. Exclude things that aren’t important and make it your mission to accomplish your “must-do’s” every day.
- Remove, “I’ll Do It Later.” This phrase should be removed from your vocabulary. Later comes, but it is much busier than we first anticipated. Now that the “I’ll do it later,” task never happens. There is no better time than now to do what you know you should be doing.
- Find Your Motivator. Find something that drives you. Something that will keep you driven and give you that fire that is needed to get through those tough times. Your motivator can be anything from things that you aspire to get, a vacation you want to take with your family, or whatever else that may encourage and motivate you to keep going.
- Always Challenge Yourself. Don’t remain stuck; always look for opportunities to grow. As a human, you want to evolve and change. When you grow, you don’t forget things you’ve known before. You are just adding on to the person that you are.