Tips For Networking Small Talk Including Phrases And Subjects

Tips For Networking Small Talk Including Phrases And Subjects

I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to share an article I read about networking. Here are a few highlights:

Networking is an effective business practice; however, for some people, it can be a tiresome activity. One of the main reasons for this is they don’t know what to talk about, and this is especially true for introverts. Small talk is an art one must master because it will work in your favor at networking events. It is also important to understand that building relationships makes sealing deals a lot easier, so small talk is more than just a strategy to pass the time, it’s about developing rapport with potential clients or employers. If you’re done with awkward silences and fumbling your way through conversations, here are tips for networking small talk.

1. Start With a Greeting: Set a positive tone by starting with a friendly greeting such as:

  • “Hello, lovely to meet you. How are you today?”
  • Introduce yourself by giving your name, the company you work for, or own, and your job title.

2. Express Genuine Interest: Show that you have a genuine interest in the person you’re speaking to by asking open ended questions such as:

  • “What brings you here?”
  • “What inspired you to get into the industry?

3. Find Common Ground: Find something about the person you can relate to career wise by asking a question such as:

  • “What aspects of your industry do you feel most passionate about at the moment?"
  • “Are there any aspects of your job that you are finding challenging?”

4. Venue and Weather: The weather is a classic conversation starter for small talk. If the venue is classy, you can mention that too:

  • “The weather has been (adjective) lately, hasn’t it?”
  • “Isn’t this venue wonderful? Is this your first time coming here?”

5. Recent Achievements: Networking is about rubbing shoulders with the power players in your industry and demonstrating that you are someone worth connecting with. By asking questions about recent achievements, you get the chance to find out about theirs and brag about yours.

  • “Have you had any wins at work recently?”
  • “Is there anything you’re working on that you’re proud of at the moment?”

Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspectives. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected] ; or call me on 0467 749 378.




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