Tips On Managing Your Schedule
When did you last recalculate your schedule? Can’t remember? So, it’s important to think about it. Proper scheduling makes all the difference in a well-run dental practice. We should make sure that time is used properly by prioritizing tasks and working efficiently. Learn our tips about scheduling below.
Scheduling may be the most important of all the key systems in practice success.
In most businesses, the time management system controls efficiency, flow, and output. This then leads to production, profit, and income.
Dentistry?is no exception.
Mathematically analyzing the schedule on a regular basis is a critical step to maintaining strong practice performance. Over the last 38 years of helping clients improve their practices, Levin Group has continually found that the highest-producing and most efficient practices have the right scheduling system in place.
Is there only one type of a right schedule?
There is no one ideal schedule suitable for every practice. Each individual practice must create the correct scheduling system for them.
Here are some examples:
The first place to begin when building a schedule is to conduct procedural time studies for every treatment frequently performed by the dentists in the practice. We routinely find with new clients that the procedural time studies reveal opportunities to increase patient volume and doctor production without rushing or fatigue. Many practices have not updated their schedule in years, which is a mistake. Others simply do not understand how to create a blocked schedule that allows for a mixture of different types of appointments, production per hour, and volume.
Following the analysis of your procedural time studies, the practice schedule now needs to be rebuilt using that updated data. Establish an annual production goal, then design a scheduling template that will allow the goals to be met through the right combination of treatment appointments, knowing how long they take and what your average production per procedure is.
Once that has been established, you can mathematically drill all the way down to how each chair is handled on an hourly basis.
When these factors are all properly combined, a schedule is built that has a high likelihood of achieving the preset annual production goal.
Practices with well-designed schedules that update the schedule on a regular basis using mathematical analysis and basic scheduling principles will easily improve their overall efficiency and production. In an era where the average retirement age of a dentist is approximately 72 years of age and rising, this becomes a unique and large opportunity to have a great career, as well as financial benefits that are well deserved.
Long hours and meek results? Let’s turn this around! The experienced team at Perform DDS is ready to take care of the management and marketing aspects of your practice, so you can focus on patient care. Schedule a complimentary consultation today at 949.232.4788.
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