Tips to learn before enter into Market world
Hey chitti,
I am Sagar Jalan and I am super excited to personally say "Hi" to you as you have started learning about marketing in a very easy way, So you can also start doing marketing if you want to do.
Now now, before I go ahead, are you little bit confused after reading my Welcome line?
Well, I would love to tell you more about it.
But, are you as excited to hear about it as I am excited while telling you?.........
Well….first think a little bit about yourself...
who you are…..
Because, I have had this HUGE REALIZATION - that most of us, including you and me - fail to understand.
We fail to understand:
- What our Strength and Weaknesses are
- Why we have to learn about marketing
- What are The Laws of marketing
- What marketing are actually Capable of
- Why is Marketing is important for everyone(not just Marketers)
- How Economic is related to Marketing
- The Actual role of Communication in Marketing
Well…. In this article we try to understand all of these questions.
This article will be useful for you if you want to start your career to sell your product, bloggers, professionals, freelancers, mentors and entrepreneurs .
There is no age limit to understand marketing or more especially digital marketing.
And also no age limit to start earning money from the market or selling your product on the market. You too can do all this even If you don't have an Engineering Degree, MBA degree or any other standard degree.
Well You have to just understand this article step by step…., And at the end I am going to tell you about Where did I learn all this………...
Hey there! Are you one of those people who think Marketers and Marketing are bad, If you don’t have a product to sell you can’t start Marketing, Marketing is all about Selling, Selling and Selling?
Today, I am going with you many steps deeper into the World of Marketing.
Trust me, what you see is just the mirage on the sahara desert and there are a lot of concepts such as the CATT Funnel, Deep Marketing, Integrated Marketing, understanding which type of market to enter into which need to be understood when doing Marketing.
Does it sound a little bit challenging?And are you confusing?
Do not worry, I am going to simplify each topic in which you fail to understand. By the end you will understand the concepts so well that you will also be able to write about them in the same way or even better way as I am able to
So, are you ready to educate yourself about what marketing really is?
Here we go!
I think it's going to be very exciting for you.
Wait Wait…..
Before understanding about Marketing, You have to understand a very important topic about(call it a secret behind) Marketing.
The topic is………
The importance of Communication Skills
Tell me….
What do you think? Why is communication skill so important for Marketing?
If you think, Marketing is all about Manipulation and trying to Manipulate people for product or Services and Good communication means good or sophisticated English, If someone uses Sophisticated word its mean his/her communication is better than you.
No, all your thought about marketing is wrong…..
We all know that from our mentor or different books as a Businessperson or a Marketer or an Employee, knowing how to communicate with your employees or clients is a necessity. Communication simply entails sending a message to a receiver and waiting for a response where necessary. The message must communicate a feeling, need or thought. Effective communication is necessary for the growth of every organization.
I am not going to tell you all of you who know about this are wrong. All you need to just know a little bit more about Communication or Communication in Marketing.
Marketing is all about Manipulation and trying to Manipulate people for product or Services is right If your Product or Services that you sell is of Low Quality. But If Your Product is High Quality and If your product is going to help people then you need not to manipulate them You just need to Communicate well.
Also, Good Communication doesn’t care about your Vocabulary or Grammar. It just needs to be whether you are able to transfer your thoughts to others effectively or not, It is the only question you need to ask yourself.
Also, You need to understand what your target audience needs. And for that you need to interact with your target audience.
Trust me…If you are able to do this then you will become a good Marketer or also a good employee.
I think now you better understand the importance of Communication.
Now, I am going to tell you about how you can improve your Communication Skill. You just need to follow this step:-
Step 1:- Write like you talk. If you still read my article it means I am able to transfer my thoughts to you. And if you see carefully, I am not write this article just like giving a speech in front of 1000s of people. I write it like both of us are sitting in front and talking to each other and like I am able to read your mind.
Step 2:-Use simple words as much as you can. Many people understand simple English but may be they are not able to understand sophisticated English.
Step 3:-Write a lot. The more you write then it slows your thought. So You get more clarity and then you write or speak better. Write atleast 500 words daily. Try to Think in English too.
Now, it is the good time to talk about Marketing.But…
But, before we are going to talk about Marketing. We need to talk about How to make Rs 1 Crore.
How to make Rs 1 Crore
Before I tell you how you will do this, I want you to think a little bit……
Is it possible for you?(If this was on a Webinar, my next line would definitely be, “Type Yes in the Chat Box" haha! )
Anyway, moving forward, If you see the image below, what do you see?
Now, I think that after seeing this image a little thought may have arisen in your mind.
If not, then Let me help you…..
Suppose you set a goal to achieve 1 crore in 2 year. And you have a product of RS 50(Let, an online course about Affiliate Marketing). And You sell your product to 1,00,000 customers for just Rs 100, and I think it will be very easy to get that many customers because your product price is very low.
Suppose, You do it in 1 year.
Then you get a total revenue of 1 Crore in which 50% is your profit. And if you also do the same thing for next year then You get 1 Crore as a profit.
I feel that there is a positive vibration in your body.
Now, i am going to tell you a secret….
Your product is already completed, Also you have a High traffic customer. And also you have a good knowledge how to communicate with the audience so that you sell them your product.
Now, If you get only 10% of that 1 lakh customer it means only 10,000 customers and you sell them your product just for Rs 1000. Now in this time, You get a profit of about 1 Crore.
Slowly you may increase your product price and reduce the number of customers. If your product is of High Quality then automatically people will try to reach you.
But remember one thing for implementing this process, You need to improve your product each time little bit.
Suppose, First time you sell your product which is related to Engineering and Second time you sell other products which are related to Medical. It means each time you lose your previous customers and try to find a new one and you have to start selling your product from the beginning.
I think it is very difficult for everyone including me. So you need to focus on a fixed product like I am focusing on Digital Marketing.
So, You need to select your niche in which you have to focus and try to become number one in that field because only people remember the No. 1 place and not 2nd or 3rd place.
How to Select Your Niche
Want to start marketing, but aren't sure where to start?
Or are you already running a profitable blog or online business, but just aren't feeling it?
If either of these situations describes you, it may be time to find - or re-evaluate - your niche.
This 5-step formula will help you find a niche that's both attractive and something you can feel passionate about.
1. Evaluate your passions and skills
2. Figure out if there's a market for your niche
3. Narrow down your niche
4. Check out the competition for yourself
5. Test your niche
If you follow this step you definitely find your Niche. Still you are facing difficulties to choose your niche then just look at this image. I am sure all your doubts about niche selection will be eliminated.
Now, You know how to communicate with the audience, you also know how to select your niche and more importantly you also know how to sell your product to different customers.
Now we will talk about Personal Branding. It's like going to the next level in a game after knowing your niche selection.
Power Of Personal Branding
It’s easy to build trust with a personal brand. People want to see the human behind the brand. We all love those behind the scene videos because we can connect with it on a human level.
You may think, Why do big brands hire influencers? Have you ever thought that?....
Because Influencers have built a fan following who love and trust them. E.g. When a celebrity launches his/ her product or service, it gets famous within seconds, isn’t it?
Have you ever thought, why? Because they have a huge influence on people.
Sometimes, some people have their personal brands more popular than their company. E.g Elon Musk has a bigger fan following than their company SpaceX and Tesla.
You can build a company brand with the help of a personal brand. There are a lot of examples in front of us. Who comes to your mind when I say Apple? Brands like these have also used Personal Branding and storytelling to develop trust and liking.
There exist both negative and positive aspects of personal brand. A personal brand cannot be invested in and it cannot be sold too. But A personal brand can give rise to many other brands from his/her influence.
Based on my experience you can derive several benefits by building your personal brand.
Here are a few!
- Sell courses
- Get an opportunity to train others.
- Consulting opportunities
- Business
- Sell digital products
- Public speaking opportunity
- You can help people
- Inspire other people
The Evolution Of Personal Brand
Step 1: Learn- If you don't have any skill then first of all you need to learn new skill through concept, fact and procedure and understand it very well.
Step 2: Work- put all your skill in work. Implementing all your skills in the real world will help you in understanding your concept very well. You can do anything like a job, freelancing or start your own project.
Step 3: Blog- The blog is like planting a tree. You don’t see instant results. But with consistent work only, you will get the results. You can write what you have learned and experienced through your work.
Step 4: Consult- Now you have a skill and concept, have work experience and have a personal brand through blog. Now start consulting other people or businesses instead of working for them.
Step 5: Mentor- Mentor others who want to become like you. It will help you in moving one step forward and understanding the world in different ways.
Step 6: Startup- Start your own product or services business with the understanding that you have developed about the market, audience and from your own skills.
It is a never ending process and by continuously doing this we grow in our life.
Personal branding is the easiest way to build wealth. Starting putting your work in positioning yourself as a brand with a long term goal in your mind.
Now your product or services had ready to sell, but you need a medium that lets people know that you are selling that type of product or services.
For that you need to know that how you will reach to your target audience and where you will advertise for your product or services.
Type Of Marketing
What You Think, How many types of Marketing are?
I am sure you just heard about Traditional Marketing, Am I right?
But You will be surprised to know that in the 21st Century, there is one more type of Marketing that is called Digital Marketing.
Let us first talk about the basic definition of both Marketing.
If I ask you to give the definition of both Marketing, then maybe you can say like this....
Digital Marketing is using digital channels such as websites and social media as tools for marketing communication.
Traditional Marketing on the other hand involves traditional channels, like billboards and printed media and TV or Radio.
If you want to advertise your product or services, first of all you should know the basic difference between them.
So Now we try to understand the differences......
Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
We use either one marketing or both marketing, It will depends on whom we want to reach? and where are our audiences?
The main difference between digital and traditional marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message. While traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, digital marketing uses digital media, such as social media or websites.
Of course traditional marketing work for generic ads and also it doesn’t mean it’s old fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s lives with a growing need.In traditional marketing with the help of TV we can reach upto 1 billion of people, with the help of Radio we can reach upto 65% of Indian people and with the help of newspaper we can reach upto 465 million of people.
When you visit any place you see a lot of banners hanging there, all of them are used for advertisement. This type of advertisement comes under traditional marketing.
But with this type of marketing we cannot track our target audience, also we are unable to retarget them in future. In addition, we are unable to see how many people are watching our ad and which of them comes to buy our products or services.
But nowadays almost 100 million people have their internet connection. we have to try to advertise through digital marketing. Because in this way we are able to track our target audience, also we can re-target them in future, In addition, we can see how many people are watching our ad and which of them comes to buy our products or services.
We can also communicate with them through email or calls or text messages.
Integrated Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has a lot of modules. And each module is an ocean in itself. It is very difficult to become an expert in every module. So It is more important to execute digital marketing in an integrated manner, than to build expertise in each digital marketing module.
Integrated digital marketing is the art and craft of using all the digital marketing methods available today,
Investing time, energy and money in building an integrated digital marketing process for your business is like investing in a machinery, which will magically multiply the effectiveness of each component in it.
Some of the common digital marketing methods are:
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing(Facebook Marketing, Instagram Marketing)
- Digital Display Marketing
- Content Marketing
The Integrated Digital Marketing Process
Integrated digital marketing is like a team with content because leaders and other digital marketing methods are like its team members. Instead of asking each member to achieve the goal of increasing the company's customer base, Integrated Digital Marketing will use each member's strengths and deliver results.
The above flowchart describes the process of integrated digital marketing. Each one serves a unique function:
- Content: Quality and relevant content helps establish authority, build trust, engage the audience with the brand, and spread the word with your own customers as a brand. Also helps in educating the customers about the industry and your product or service.
- Email: The best communication tool is available to online marketers today. Helps send information about new content and reminds them of the product or service they want to buy by following up with prospects.
- Social Media: It is like meeting with a focus group. People are more authentic and honest with feedback and suggestions in a social environment. It also helps in getting honest feedback about a product or service and listening to customer needs.
- Search: It helps customers find your content and your offering directly. One of the most powerful tools in online marketing and works best.
Ads: Paid ads in its various formats can help speed up the entire process. The integrated digital marketing process is like a catalyst for ads which maximizes the return on investment on the dollars spent.
Now, You learn all basic concept before start marketing.
Now you need to know that how you should build your trust in front of them so that they can buy your product or services.
And for that I am going to tell you about...
What are Marketing Funnels and How Do They Work?
A marketing funnel is an expert marketing strategy that emphasizes using different marketing strategies based on an individual's own buyer's journey. Each customer goes through a certain number of steps before making a purchase. These steps can be thought of as a path along which a consumer moves to become a customer.
When marketers target people at different stages with different tactics, they are using the marketing funnel, with the aim of sending them further along the way.
Now We are going to talk about a very important type of funnel which will help you in your Personal branding.
CATT Funnel Marketing
Wealth=n ^ CATT
[n]- Niche :- Niche plays a very big important role in digital marketing. Your success and wealth depend on the niche you choose. Always take more time to research and decide your niche.
[C] -Content :- Customers are looking for quality content which is impressive and makes people persuade and curious to read. When your site has full of content, people have a reasons to visit it, learn from it, and may become new customers.
[A]- Attention :- It is important to bring the attention of your target customer to your impressive content after creating it, drive traffic to your blog through Social media, SEM, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing etc.
[T]-Trust :- Trust is an essential factor in every business relationship. We need to build massive trust with our audience. It can be done by sharing Testimonial videos , Running Facebook Ads, Marketing Automation, Re-targeting, Google reviews & Many more .
[T]- Transaction :- This is the last step of this funnel where you convert your leads into customers using a natural sales method so that you can make good money.
Trust me in the last step you need not to do hard work because before you reach this step you have already done all your hard work.
Suppose you have selling your product with good profit. But after some time you are losing your market value, your trust and also your customers.
Now, You need to know the law of marketing so that you are always ahead, not behind.
The Law of Marketing
Before, I will tell you about the law of marketing....
Let see what you think about marketing….
Marketing is Science or Creativity?If you have a good product or idea then only you should start Marketing or else you should not?
I am going to tell you some important points that you should have to follow before or after starting your business....
- The basic issue in marketing is creating a category you can be first in and give them a high quality product So that people automatically reach to you.
- It’s much easier to get into the mind first than to try to convince someone you have a better product than the others..
- Not every first is going to be successful. The timing could be an issue, So try to get to the right place, at the right time, with the right message.
- Some firsts are also just bad ideas that will never go anywhere. So before implementing it take a survey that this idea is useful for people or not.
- If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in that. E.g If I asked you the name of 3rd Prime Minister of India then you may fail to tell. But If I ask you the name of the 1st women Prime Minister of India then you know her name “Indra Gandhi” .
- Forget the brand. Think categories. Everyone is interested in what’s new. Few people are interested in what’s better. When you’re the first in a new category, promote that category. In essence, you have no competition.It’s better to be first in the mind than it is to be first in the marketplace. Being first in the mind is everything in marketing.
- E.g. If I ask you to think about search engines then What first comes to your mind? I think You have thought about Google Search Engine. Am I right?
- Marketing is a battle of perception, but also product is reality, so the mind takes precedence over the marketplace but after that your product should also have a high quality.
- You can’t change a mind once it’s made up. And The single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing is try to change other minds. It’s an illusion. There is no objective reality. There are no facts. There are no best products. The perception is the reality. Everything else is an illusion.
- The essence of marketing is focusing. If you chase for everything you can’t stand for anything.
- It’s wrong to think that if you spend enough money, you can own the idea. E.g I have told you how to make 1 crore, which is completed in very little investment.
- When you admit a negative, the prospect will give you a positive.
- It goes against corporate and human nature to admit a problem. Yet one of the most effective ways to get into a prospect’s mind is to first admit a negative and twist it into a positive.Unless you write your competitor’s plans, you can’t predict the future.
- Implicit in most marketing plans is an assumption about the future. Yet such marketing plans are usually wrong.
- Most companies live from quarterly report to quarterly report. Good short-term planning is coming up with that angle or word that differentiates your product or company. Then you set up a coherent long-term marketing direction that builds a program to maximize that idea or angle.
NOTE: There is a difference between predicting the future and taking a chance on the future.Success often leads to arrogance, and arrogance to failure. Ego is the enemy of successful marketing.
- When people become successful, they tend to become less objective. They often make their decision for what the market wants.Failure is to be expected and accepted. Too many companies try to fix things rather than drop things.
- Admitting a mistake and not doing anything about it is bad for your career. A better strategy is to recognize failure early and cut losses.
So ,if you have been with me & read till here . You have already become a great marketer as you know all the concepts of marketing, all about CATT Funnel Marketing, law of marketing & about Personal Branding which is the most important topic.
Hey chitti,
Now the time comes when we say goodbye to each other. I end our conversation with the final conclusion which we get from this article.
I feel you must have learned a lot through my article, And I would request you to share my articles to your friends, relatives, if you find this article useful.