Tips for Lead Generation via Facebook
In this era of high digital competition, it is indispensable for the brands to reach a greater audience. Facebook is one of the easiest ways to help the brands reach new people and create a community online in order for prospects to reach the brands easily. However, lead generation via facebook requires you to streamline the posts wisely. You need to plan your posts according to the type; you must know what is going to bring greater traffic to your website or what makes the prospects provide their contact details.
Here is a guide for you to master the Facebook lead generation techniques. The mantra is to know what type of posts to make on Facebook.
1- Post Links to Image Captions : It is extremely important to use visuals like images and videos to attract a greater audience and make them stay on your page for a long time. Posts with images get two times more engagement than those without it. So in order to make the most of it, post links to a related page in the image caption. Whether it is a blog post, a webpage link or just the ‘about us’ page- just post a link. It will be an opportunity for the readers to know your brand better by clicking on the link.
2- Post Links to the Offer Page : The easiest way to make people know your offer is to direct them to the offer page. Make a post about the offer and attach a link to the same in the caption. Whether it is a paid advertisement or an organic one, make sure there is a compelling image to support its higher reach. This is also a good way to generate engagement on Facebook.
3- Post Blogs that Generate More Leads : No one knows your blogs better than you. So you must post links to popular blogs- those that generate more leads. Make sure that the title and link of the blog posts is very compelling and intriguing so that the readers click on it. It is also advised to include a Call-to-Action Page as the anchor text on that blog so it will be a step-by-step approach for the prospect.
4- Post Videos that are Related to Your Offer : Videos are the perfect way to garner a greater traffic to your Facebook page. Facebook released its new algorithms recently which led to a drop of 52% in its organic reach. However, this was for content, videos are free of these restrictions. Its algorithms actually favor video content. Videos have 135% greater organic reach than texts or images. So in order to get good leads, you need to post videos.
5- Add a CTA Button to Your Facebook Page : Lately, Facebook came up with a feature to add a Call-to-Action to your page. This powerful button can get you many leads. Those who visit your page can automatically land on the offer page by clicking on this button.
6- Run Contests Related to Your Offer : Contests and giveaways are a great way of attracting new audience; people love them. Design a compelling contest with simple content and attractive images and videos. This is not only a way of getting more leads but also understanding a new prospects.
Apart from these, you can also ask people for feedback on your products which will give you an understanding of who is actually interested in your products. Create events for your next webinars, run ads that give a simple understanding of your offer. Make it easy for the audience and you will see a great increase in new leads.