Tips to know Almighty if you are not Hindu

Tips to know Almighty if you are not Hindu

Here's - Tips to know Almighty if you are not Hindu.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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11 February 2024

Tips to know Almighty if you are not Hindu

*If you want to do Puja or worship of Hindu God but you are from other religions, then the following Tips will help you.

1/ First of all you must know that Almighty is only one, you may be from any religion. Hence you should not be fearful while doing worship of Almighty.

*You must know that the religions are the ABCD to reach Almighty.

Temple, church, mosque etc are just ABCD of spirituality to reach Almighty.

2/ You don't need to convert religion. Remain in your religion only. Do any worship of any form of Almighty or do worship of formless Almighty.

3/ If you are doing worship of formless Almighty, then worship Him in all the humans without the difference of any religion.

4/ If you are a student, you want the best teacher. If you are a patient, you want the best Doctor.

Similarly if you want to know Almighty.

Go to the best divine Master. Do not see his religion.

5/ Do not be fearful if you do the worship of Almighty in any form or formless. Don't show to others.

Do it secretly. Keep your experiences and progress secret.

6/ Remember, if you do worship in your mind, then it's more powerful. It's called Mansik Puja which gives you 1000 times more power. Hence you will reap more benefit if you don't show to others.

7/ God, Goddess of any religion or Almighty is the self in everyone. Self can be known by doing selfless services to humans without the difference of any religion. Render the services of the people of other religions and also your religion. Do not be selfish of your religion while doing the service as you have to rise above the religion.

*Humans have religion. You have to rise above humanity.

*Not only human, you have to do service of all the creatures including animals, birds etc since the gist of religion is Kindness. Only then you can know Almighty!

*Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc are children of one Almighty. He loves them equally without any difference since He is impartial and merciful.

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14 August 2023

Krishna says to love Hindu, Muslim

*Krishna never says to love Hindu only!

Krishna says to love every religion!

Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc!

He is incarnation of love!

*Not only Humans!

Krishna says to love!

Animals, birds, trees, plants!

Every creature of the universe!

*Krishna is God of every religion!

Krishna is God of every nation!

You can give Him any names!

He remains one and only one!

*If we give many names to you!

Will you change by these names?

*You will not change!

Krishna doesn't change!

Krishna remains same and one!

He belongs to one and all!

*Krishna doesn't change His names!

We humans only change His names!

*Krishna is Shiva, Shiva is Krishna!

Krishna is every God, Goddess!

Of every religion, every nation!

Since Krishna is Almighty, Soul, Self!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


27 July 2023

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma

*Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc are not Dharma. Knowing yourself is Dharma.

Not knowing yourself is Adharma.

*When you know that you are not human. You are soul. Soul has no religion. Then you come in the light. Then darkness of your ignorance is removed. Then you come in the light of knowledge.

*Purpose of your birth on this beautiful planet earth is to know this truth.

Only for this purpose many religions have been created.

*But you have forgotten this truth. Need of the hour is to know this truth.

Main reason of chaos in entire world is ignorance. Child touches the fire till he does not know

that it can burn. When he knows that fire can burn his fingers, he never touches the fire in his life.

*Same is the case with you. When you know that ignorance can burn you. Then you try to come in the light of knowledge.

*This knowledge is called Adhyatma Vidya. It is the king of every available knowledge on the planet earth. It is the most secret, most sacred knowledge. It is the divine knowledge. When you come in the light of this knowledge, you become divine. You are already divine. Then you know this truth.

*How to gain this knowledge?

See everything as it exists in its true form. Don't do any mixing. Remain original. Don't be artificial. Be natural. Practice this knowledge again and again daily. Try to remember that you are not human or body. Always try to remember that you are soul, self or Atma. Practice this knowledge again and again daily.

*Can you forget that you are man or woman? In the same way, always remember you are self, consciousness, awareness, soul or Atma not the human or body. Don't see the profit of your body. See the profit of your soul, self.

*Wrong practice has caused your ignorance. Right practice will bring you in this knowledge.

Hence practice this knowledge again and again Daily.

*The root cause of every pain, sorrow, misery is ignorance.

Remove your ignorance!

Come in the light of this knowledge!

It is the purpose of your birth!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


15 April 2023

This Cctv for Hindu, Muslim etc

*Cctv surveillance!

For every religion!

One may be!

Hindu, Muslim etc!

*Cctv surveillance!

For every gender!

One may be!

In bathroom, bedroom!

*Cctv surveillance!

For every nation!

One may be!

PM CM etc!

*Cctv surveillance!

For everyone!

Everywhere, every time!

Irrespective of any difference!

*Cctv surveillance!

Without any break!

No one can hide it!

No one can escape!

*For this cctv!

Never any break down!

It always works!

Since it belongs to Almighty!


Before starting!

Any misdeed!

*You may be anyone!

You may be anything!

You can't escape this cctv!

*If anyone share this!

He will be beloved of Almighty!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

15 April 2023

Cctv for everyone, every time

*Cctv surveillance!

For every religion!

One may be!

Hindu, Muslim etc!

*Cctv surveillance!

For every gender!

One may be!

In bathroom, bedroom!

*Cctv surveillance!

For every nation!

One may be!

PM CM etc!

*Cctv surveillance!

For everyone!

Everywhere, every time!

Irrespective of any difference!

*Cctv surveillance!

Without any break!

No one can hide it!

No one can escape!

*For this cctv!

Never any break down!

It always works!

Since it belongs to Almighty!


Before starting!

Any misdeed!

*You may be anyone!

You may be anything!

You can't escape this cctv!

*If anyone share this!

He will be beloved of Almighty!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


25 March 2023

This is not the worship

*This is not the faith!

This is not the worship!

*If we are Hindu!

We love only Hindu!

We don't love Muslims!

This is not the worship!

*If we are Muslim!

We love only Muslims!

We don't love Hindu!

This is not the worship!

*If Muslim hates Hindu!

He shall become Hindu!

In next births!

If Hindu hates Muslim!

He shall become Muslim!

In next births!

*Births not ruled out!

As we never die!

Self never dies!

Only body dies!

*This is very much required!

To repay the Karma!

*We must see!

Only one Almighty!

Only one Soul, Atma!

In Hindu, Muslims!

*Atma is Paramatma!

Soul is Almighty!

That is Supreme Soul!

*Almighty is only one!

We can give Him any name!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


28 DEC 2022

Those people are wise

*Who can reply these questions!

Those people are wise!

*Who contemplate on these questions!

Those people are wise!

*Reply these questions-

Who created religious places?

Who created temples?

Who created mosques?

Who created churches?

Who created Gurdwaras etc?

*How people used to worship?

When these places were not there!

*How people used to know Almighty?

When these places were not created!

*Who created Lord Ganesha?

Who created Lord Shiva?

Who created Lord Vishnu?

*Who created Hindu Gods?

Who created Muslim Gods?

Who created Christian Gods?

Who created Gods of all religions?

*How people used to worship?

When these Gods were not created!

*Who created genders?

Who created religions?

Who created nations?

Who created races?

Who created languages?

Who created complexions?

Who created complexes?

Who created business?

Who created employment?

How these were created?

*How people used to live?

Without all of them!

*How fire was discovered?

How its quality was discovered?

That it burns! It heats!

How people used to live before it?

*People used to worship nature!

People used to worship source of creation!

When religious places were not created!

Gods of all religions were not created!

*People wondered!

How they had been created!

They started to worship nature!

*What is nature?

Human body is nature!

Tree, plants are nature!

Ocean, hills etc are nature!

*Who created words?

Who created Guru?

Who created God?

Who created Mantras?

*Who created marriage systems?

Why marriage system was created?

How marriage system was created?

*All of them were created!

At different stages of human civilization!

What was that stage?

*Necessity is the mother of invention!

What was the necessity?

That all of them were created!

At different stages of civilization!

*Ask yourself?

Have we become really civilized?

After creating them!

*Try to know reply of these questions!

Do contemplation!

Thus try to know your origin!

Thus try to know yourself!

Thus try to know Almighty!


22 SEP 2022

Dharma and Adharma

*Do you know?

What is religion?

What is Dharma?

What is Adharma?

*Dharma is religion!

Doing your every work!

With religious attitude!

*Adharma is irreligion!

Not doing every work!

With religious attitude!

*Hindu, Muslim etc!

They are not religions!

They are not Dharma!

*Knowing yourself is Dharma!

Knowing yourself is religion!

*For this purpose only!

Religions were created!

*Not knowing yourself!

That is biggest Adharma!

That is biggest sin!

*And that knowing should be full!

That should not be part knowledge!

*Forward it to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

In the required language!


5 SEP 2022













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24 June 2022

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group

Hi Friends,

I am overwhelmed with your love for Spiritual India WhatsApp Group.

Spiritual India WhatsApp Groups are having esteemed members as follows :

1/ Renowned Spiritual Masters, Guru, International Gita Speakers, healers Reiki masters,

energy specialists.

2/ Reputed ladies and gentlemen having PhD, Doctorate. Senior medicos, Doctors, Engineers.

3/ Renowned personalities, almost from all walks of life, castes, religions including Hindu,

Muslim, Sikh, Christian. Hence this group is like a mini India.

4/ Many esteemed members from Abroad.

5/ Senior Civil services, Defence services and army officers.

6/ Advocates from Supreme Court, High Court, etc.

7/ IIM, IIT, AIIMS Alum and Professors from reputed institutions, management and engineering


8/ Renowned professionals from Spirituality, Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and other fields.

9/ People of many age groups from many states and languages from all over the India.

Young India represents this group.

I am so much thankful for your so much love!

Your feedback is always welcome.

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group is having flexibility. It can be made as you desire but within the

spirit of the group.

There is no fees for joining this group. It is absolutely free WhatsApp Group.

Doors of this group are always open. You can return here again and again.

If you are interested to join this group, you may inform your mobile WhatsApp number by this email id -

[email protected]

Kindly accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!

Pravin Agrawal


Spiritual India WhatsApp Groups


23 June 22

@What is the purpose of saying?

@Gods have told so many things!

Great men have said so many things!

@What is the purpose of their saying?

Purpose of their saying!

That is to make you happy!

To make this universe happy!

@Their message was not!

For creating any differences!

@Gods and great men were egoless!

They never wanted any disputes!

They only wanted peace and happiness!

On this beautiful planet earth!

@But we are trapped!

In their faces and personalities!

@They won their faces and personalities!

Then only they could be in Almighty!

@They never wanted to increase!

Their ego or your ego!

@But we increase our ego!

We fight in their names!

@We fight in the names of!

Hindu and Muslims!

We fight in the names of!

Religions, castes, etc!

@Thus we defeat!

The very purpose of their saying!

@Love and peace!

That is the true message!

Behind your every effort!

Towards the Almighty!

@Follow the message!

Not the individuals!

Follow the teaching!

Not the God!

@Then only we can make!

This earth peaceful and happy!


23 June22

@Reason of Disputes

@There is lack of understanding!

Between wife and husband!

Parents and children!

Hindu and Muslims etc!

@And that is the reason of dispute!

It is the mind!

Which gives rise to dispute!

Hence it invites troubles!

@Mind can not understand!

Mind has its own limitations!

We can't understand the mind!

Hence mind creates disputes!

@And what is understanding?

If we see positive in everything!

Then it will increase positivity!

In us and in the universe!

@If we see negative in every thing!

It will increase negativity!

In us and in the universe!

Hence negativity invites war!

@Positivity is very essential!

If we want to advance in divine path!

@Positivity is a way to God!

Negativity is a way to world!

@If you take negative!

As positive for your good!

Then it will create wonders!

It will become positive for you!

@Then garland of snake becomes!

Garland of roses for you!

@This is the glory of God!

This is miracle of divine!


8 May 2022

All theories fail here

*He is such that!

All theories fail here!

*Almighty can't be described!

By any theory!

*Theory of Buddha fails here!

Any other theories fail here!

Almighty beyond any theory!

*Theory of J Krishnamurti fails here!

Theory of OSHO fails here!

*I read somewhere!

J Krishnamurti says -

We have been told that all paths lead to truth - You have your path as a Hindu and someone

else has his path as a Christian and another as a Muslim, and they all meet at the same door -

which is, when you look at it, so obviously absurd.

Truth has no path, and that is the beauty of truth, it is living. A dead thing has a path to it

because it is static. - J Krishnamurti

*I am not agreed by it!

My reply to J Krishnamurti -

*Truth is neither living!

Nor non-living!

*Truth is beyond both!

Truth is beyond any boundaries!

Truth is beyond any limitations!

*Truth has path!

Truth has no path!

Both are true!

*Since truth is beyond mind!

You perceive anything by mind!

Hence you can't limit the truth!

*That is the reason!

Vedas have told about truth -

Neti Neti!

This is not! That is not!

*You can't bind Almighty!

By any word! By all the words!

Since He is Almighty!

He can't be described!

He can only be felt!

*Hence all theories fail here!

Hence all theories pass here!


7 May 2022

Don't think that God has kept silent

*You think that God does not watch!

Don't think that God has kept silent!

*God is always watching!

God is always acting!

*He is watching like cctv!

He is recording every thing!

*If you break temple or mosque!

If you trouble man or animal!

If you give pain to any tree!

If you harm any creature!

*You certainly get its punishment!

During this birth or next!

*Muslim rulers or Hindu rulers!

Administrators irrespective of religion!

Who did atrocities in the past!

They are still getting punishment!

*You see dogs, pigs etc of today!

What are they?

They are cruel rulers of the past!

*Karma rules never fail!

Like third law of Newton!

Reaction against your action!

*Krishna already proclaimed in Gita!

He puts such people in such births!

Again and again without fail!

*Krishna does not do anything!

Every thing is automatic!

Nature sets right everything!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


30 April 2022

Hindu Muslim Christian

*All are my children!

Irrespective of their religion!

*Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh!

All religions my children!

*I live in their heart!

I give them life!

*I love my children equally!

But those who love Me!

They are very dear to Me!

They live in My heart!

*I am Ishwar!

I am Allah!

I am Jesus!

I am Nanak!

*I am Ganesh!

I am Durga!

I am Shiva!

I am Krishna!

*All these My different names!

All these My different forms!

*I am with form!

I am without form!

*This is My voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


23 Mar 2022

Don't see anyone Hindu, Muslim

*See everyone flesh and bones!

See everyone Jeevatma, Soul!

*Don't see anyone Hindu, Muslim!

Don't see anyone PM, CM!

Don't see anyone Officer, Peon!

See everyone flesh and bones!

*Don't see anyone Film Star!

Don't see anyone Industrialist!

Don't see anyone rich, poor!

See everyone flesh and bones!

*Don't see anyone good or bad!

See everyone flesh and bones!

*Don't see anyone with differences!

See every one eternal Atma!


25 February 2022

Hindu Muslim are not Dharma

*Do you know?

What is religion?

What is Dharma?

*Hindu, Muslim etc!

They are not religions!

They are not Dharma!

*Knowing yourself is Dharma!

Knowing yourself is religion!

*For this purpose only!

Religions were created!

*Not knowing yourself!

That is biggest Adharma!

That is biggest sin!

*And that knowing should be full!

That should not be part knowledge!

*Forward it to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

In the required language!


13 FEB 2022

This knowledge takes full life

*Do you want to know Paramatma?

Do you want to know Atma?

Do you want to know Self?

*Then two hours daily not sufficient!

Then two days are not sufficient!

Then two months are not sufficient!

*You will have to spend your life!

You already spent many births!

Without knowing Him!

*Now you have to know Him!

In one birth!

*You are man or woman!

You know this fact!

Throughout your life!

*Knowing Almighty!

It is knowing your reality!

Since you are His part!

*How can it be different?

For Hindu, Muslims etc!

Since Self is same in all!

Since Atma is same in all!

*Knowing Almighty!

It is Knowledge of yourself!

It should not be incomplete!

It should be full knowledge!

*You are here and now!

Hence He is here and now!

*You have to know!

You have to become for always!

Since you are already same!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

13 FEB 2022

You have to spend your life

Do you want to know Paramatma?

Do you want to know Atma?

Do you want to know Self?

Then two hours daily not sufficient!

Then two days are not sufficient!

Then two months are not sufficient!

You will have to spend your life!

You already spent many births!

Without knowing Him!

Now you have to know Him!

In one birth!

You are man or woman!

You know this fact!

Throughout your life!

Knowing Almighty!

It is knowing your reality!

Since you are His part!

How can it be different?

For Hindu, Muslims etc!

Since Self is same in all!

Since Atma is same in all!

Knowing Almighty!

It is Knowledge of yourself!

It should not be incomplete!

It should be full knowledge!

You are here and now!

Hence He is here and now!

You have to know!

You have to become for always!

Since you are already same!

Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!


11 February 2022

True Religion, Dress and Beard

*True religion doesn't prescribe!

Any dress, beard or symbol!

True religion doesn't prescribe!

Tilak on forehead etc!

*True religion doesn't prescribe!

To wear hijab!

True religion doesn't prescribe!

To wear saffron clothing!

*True religion doesn't prescribe!

To keep beard by Muslims!

*True religion doesn't prescribe!

To increase beard by Hindus!

*True religion doesn't see!

Hindu, Muslims etc!

True religion is same!

For entire humanity!

*True religion is beyond the body!

True religion is beyond the mind!

*True religion is pertaining to Self!

True religion is pertaining to Atma!

*True religion tells us!

What is actual doing!

*True religion tells us!

Change the mind, not body!

Since actual doing!

By mind, not body!

*Do you know?

What is true religion?

*True religion is to know yourself!

Your purpose of birth!

Your origin, your destination!

Not incomplete but fully!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

Translate this into required language!

Remove ignorance from planet earth!

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26 Jan 2022

No God is Like Sri Krishna

*Teaching of Sri Krishna unique!

If you understand His teaching!

You can know Sri Krishna!

You can find Sri Krishna!

*How strange!

He has told!

How wonderful!

He has revealed!

*He revealed the top secrets!

In Bhagavad Gita in His words!

*Has any one else told you?

What is actual doing?

*But Sri Krishna tells in Gita!

Actual doing by mind, not by body!

*If you understand this!

You can know true religion!

*Then you can know yourself!

Then you can know Sri Krishna!

*His teaching for Hindu Muslim!

His teaching for all religions!

His teaching for all genders!

His teaching for all nations!


26 October 2021

No need of any Namaz, Temples


No need of any Namaz!

No need for going to mosques!

No need for going to Temples!

If you see Almighty in humans!

You are doing Namaz since years!

Could you see Allah till now?

You are going to Temples since years!

Could you see Krishna till now?

Just see one Almighty!

In your family, women!

Children and men!

Just see one Almighty!

In Hindu, Muslims!

All religions!

No need of any Prayers!

Just see Almighty everywhere!

Like air and sky!

Thus avoid all bad deeds!

Seeing Almighty around you!

At every place, every time!

See one Almighty in the heart!

Of every human, every creature!

Irrespective of religions, castes!

If you can't see one Almighty!

In women, children, men!

Of all religions, castes etc!

Then doing Namaz, Prayers!

Going to mosques, Temples!

It is just for show!

If you see Allah, Krishna!

In every human, creature!

That will be real Namaj, Prayer!

And visit to Mosques, Temples!

Forward this to all concerned!

In the required language!

This will also be Namaz, Prayer!


6 September 2021

Here We Fail

*We read Gita and love only Hindu!

We read Quran and love only Muslim!

*Gita does not say!

To love only Hindu!

Quran does not say!

To love only Muslim!

*Gita says to love all human!

Quran says to love all human!

*If you can love every human!

Irrespective of the religion!

Then you can know Almighty!

True religion and Scripture!

*You are reading Gita and Quran!

Since ages but don't know Almighty!

*Try this, know yourself!

Then know Almighty!

Thus fulfill the purpose!

Of your birth on earth!

*Forward this to all concerned!

To wake up all concerned!

13 May 2021

Eid Mubarak

You may be!

If you are Muslim!

You may be Hindu!

In your past births!

In your next births!

Now you worship Allah!

Then you may worship Krishna!

If you are Hindu!

You may be Muslim!

In your past births!

In your next births!

Now you worship Krishna!

Then you may worship Allah!

Past births not ruled out!

Since you never die!

Only your body dies!

Hence births are required!

If you hate Hindu!

You may be Hindu in next births!

If you hate Muslims!

You may be Muslim in next births!

It is very much required!

To repay your Karma!

Share it in required language!

If you love planet earth!

Make use of your education!

By spreading this wisdom!


14 MAR 2021

Krishna unites the past lovers

Krishna does not see!

Hindu or Muslims!

Indians or Americans!

Black or white color!

Krishna unites the past lovers!

They may be Hindu or Muslim!

They may be Indian or American!

Since He knows your all births!

Thus Krishna is still spreading love!

On His beautiful planet earth!

Since He is incarnation of love!

Since God is love, love is God!


25 JAN 2021

O Hindus, What do you think?

O My Loving Hindus!

For me all are beloved!

One may be Hindu!

One may be Muslim!

One may be Christian!

All are my children!

O My Loving Hindus!

What do you think?

Those who broke your temples!

Who broke your palaces n forts!

Who touched your ladies n children!

I have left them unpunished!

No, it is never possible!

One has to repay his Karma!

It may be a person!

It may be a Group of people!

They are already punished enough!

And still being punished!

Aurangzeb, Babar!

Any king or person!

No one is exception!

They are still being punished!

You see the dogs, pigs etc!

They are such people!

Who are still being punished!

All are free to do Karma!

I never interfere!

When any temple or mosque is broken!

They are not broken!

Hearts are broken!

I am the witness! I just see!

And I don't interfere!

But no one remains unpunished!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!


2 Jan 2021

If you want to know Krishna

If you want to know Krishna!

If you want to know Almighty!

You will have to go!

Beyond the religion!

Beyond Hindu, Muslim etc!

Beyond Sanatan, Non-Sanatan!

You will have to go!

Beyond any gender!

Beyond any nation!

Beyond any language!

Beyond any color etc!

You will have to see!

Every one as a human!

Not only this!

You will have to see!

Everyone as Atma, Soul!

Then only you can knock!

The doors of Almighty!

You have to love all humans!

Not only humans!

But also all creatures!

Else everything will be futile!

Tell me if you hate!

The garden of gardener!

Will gardener be happy!

Same is the case of Almighty!


You may be!

If you are Muslim!

You may be Hindu!

In your past births!

In your next births!

Now you worship Allah!

Then you may worship Krishna!

If you are Hindu!

You may be Muslim!

In your past births!

In your next births!

Now you worship Krishna!

Then you may worship Allah!

Past births not ruled out!

Since you never die!

Only your body dies!

Hence births are required!

If you hate Hindu!

You may be Hindu in next births!

If you hate Muslims!

You may be Muslim in next births!

It is very much required!

To repay your Karma!

Share it in required language!

If you love planet earth!

Make use of your education!

By spreading this wisdom!


1 October 2020

If you hate Hindu or Muslims

If you hate Hindu or Muslims!

It will be deep rooted inside you!

If you are Hindu!

If you hate Muslims!

You may become Muslim!

In your next births!

If you are Muslim!

If you hate Hindu!

You may become Hindu!

In your next births!

Krishna has told in Gita!

Whatever you think!

At the time of death!

You will be same in next births!

Whatever you do in entire life!

You can remember the same!

At the time of your death!

Hence don't hate anyone!

Next births are very certain!

If you don't get liberation!

During this birth!

Since you never die!

Only your body dies!

And you are not the body!

Share it to all concerned!

If you want love and peace!

In the required language!

Thus make use of Education!


Hindu and Muslims

You are Hindu!

You may be Muslim!

In past or future birth!

Almighty is same for both!

If you are Muslim now!

You may be Hindu in past births!

Then you used to worship Krishna!

Now you worship Allah!

If you are Hindu now!

You may be Muslim in past births!

Then you used to worship Allah!

Now you worship Krishna!

Past birth cannot be ruled out!

Since you never die!

You only change body!

Hence past births required!


Some One Asked Me

Can we read Gita if we take Non-veg food?


You may be taking any type of food veg or Non-veg.

You may be of any religion Hindu, Muslim, etc.

You may be living any type of life.

You may be of any gender.

You may be from any nation.

You may be of any age.

There is no bar in reading Gita, reciting Gita.

But main thing is respect and love in your heart for Gita.

Touch Gita only after washing your hands.

Read only after taking bath.

But if you are reciting in your mind, then no need of washing hands or taking bath.

Krishna sees only your love and dedication.

Do you know the story of Sadana Kasai?

He was Muslim. His business was Kasai ie he was butcher. He used to kill the animals and sell

the meat for his livelihood.

But due to his love and devotion for Krishna, Almighty Himself appeared for Him.

Read the story of Sadana Kasai. You may Google search it.

Main thing is your love and devotion for Krishna. Then, He does not see your religion, food,

living, gender, nation, language, etc.

When Krishna touches your life, your every thing will be changed automatically. You will love

veg food, happy lifestyle, etc.


How Krishna or Allah are different?

Krishna and Allah can't be different!

Krishna is Almighty!

Allah is Almighty!

Different names to one Almighty!

You may be Muslim in this birth!

But you may be Hindu in past birth!

You may be Hindu in this birth!

But you may be Muslim in past birth!

How can you refuse?

That past birth is not there!

You are not body!

You are soul!

And soul doesn't die!

Hence past births required!

Body is garment of soul!

You don't die!

Body dies!

You change the garment of body!

At present you are old!

You can come as new born baby!

In your next birth!

Then you can change your religion!

In last birth you were Hindu!

You used to worship Krishna!

In this birth you are Muslim!

You use to worship Allah!

Hence how can both be different?

How Krishna can be different?

Than Allah!

Both different names of one Almighty!

? ? ?


It is the irony

It is the irony.

We Indians consider our Gods like Lord Hanuman, Lord Krishna Lord Shiva, Lord Rama as out of fashion or outdated.

But the foreigners including Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc, all are adopting these Gods as modern, advancement and improvement of life irrespective of their religion, castes, language, etc.

Many leading industrialists have took the benefit of our Gods. Like Steve Jobs and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said to visited Baba Neem Karoli, a prominent devotee of Lord Hanuman. And they got the blessing and success in their business.

If you forget our Gods, you will remain empty handed.

If you firmly believe on your Gods, you may also get the same type of benefit.

Gods do not see Indian or foreigner or Hindu or Muslim. They see the entire world as one family.


You have assumed everything wrong

You have assumed everything wrong!

You assume yourself Hari Singh!

You assume yourself Imran Khan!

You assume yourself Gita Devi!

You assume yourself Razia Sultana!

After that -

You assume yourself man!

You assume yourself woman!

After that -

You assume yourself Hindu!

You assume yourself Muslim!

After that -

You assume yourself son!

You assume yourself daughter!

You assume yourself father!

You assume yourself mother!

You assume yourself brother!

You assume yourself sister!

After that -

You assume yourself body!

After that -

You assume yourself subtle body!

Consisting of




All above assumptions are very wrong!

None of above is true!

Since you are Jeevatma!

Even not Jeevatma!

Since you are soul!

Since you are Atma!

Since you are part of Paramatma!

And Paramatma is Almighty!


If you sacrifice animal

If you are Hindu, Muslim or from any other religion. You must always remember. If you sacrifice

any animal or bird.

If you kill any one. It will kill you in next any of the births in the same way. Except if any one

harms you. Like we have right to kill the mosquito since it harms us.

It is due to law of nature. It is like third law of Newton. Reaction against action.

It is true and very certainly.

If you want to make use of your education, please forward this to others in the required

language to remove the ignorance of the people.


What is real fast?


Do you know?

What is real fast?

To serve the son!

It is real fasting!

Even if you don't fast!

Then father will be happy!

And who is father?

Allah is real father!

Of Hindu, Muslims, etc!

If son is helped!

Father will be happy!

Some Muslims have donated plasma!

In this sacred month of Ramzan!

Their fast is true fast!

Their prayer is true prayer!

Even if you can't donate plasma!

But you share this message to all!

In your language n encourage all!

Then also it will be a prayer of Allah!


This holds good for all festivals

This holds good for all festivals, every occasion. Festival may be Navaratri, Diwali, Holi, Eid,

Ramzan, Merry X-mas, etc. Follow virtues of all the religions.

Suppose you are a student. You want to get good marks. Will you see the religion of the

teacher? You will certainly prefer to approach the best teacher to get the best marks.

If you are patient. You will not see the religion of the Doctor. You will certainly prefer to approach

the best doctor for your earliest recovery irrespective of his religion.

Similarly if you want to advance in the path of Almighty, you must forget your religion.

You must follow the practices of the religion which gives you ultimate joy, happiness and which

improves your level.

Almighty is one and only one for all the religions. Like all the rivers meet the mighty ocean at

last. In the same way all the religions meet only one Almighty at last.

No religion imposes any restrictions if you follow its principles and practices.

If you are Muslim and you want to follow Krishna you can very well follow Him.

If you are Hindu and you want to follow Allah or any sufi saint, there is no restrictions.

You must see your concern, your improvement, your happiness and joy.

Religions have been created by the man and not by Almighty!

Follow virtues of all the religions!


How to win the war against Corona?

Role of celebrities and religious leaders is very important for Corona issues.

Most Popular Celebrities in the fields of Cinema ie Film-stars, Cricket, Sports, Entertainment, etc

should make the following appeal in their community.

Most Popular religious leaders in Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc must make the following

appeal on the issues of the Corona.

If you are educated you must share this post in the language of your community to maximum

people to fight the war of Corona.

You may forward this post to celebrities and religious leaders of your area.

1/ Respect Doctors, Nurses, Police, etc Corona warriors in your area.

2/ Do not go out of your home during Lockdown period.

3/ Keep distance during Lockdown period and even after that if required.

4/ Help poor people of your area for food, water, medicines, etc essential items.

5/ Keep away from the rumours.

6/ Believe on any news only after verification through Google or by Govt or its websites.

7/ Follow all the instructions of Govt for safety from Corona, medicines, immune system, health

issues and other issues.

8/ Keep hope that we will win this war against Corona.

9/ Love all irrespective of religions by behaving well with everyone. Don't be blind on the issues

of the religion. We must keep united at any cost to fight this war against Corona.

Then we can win this war against Corona very easily.


Namaz and Prayer

If you are very big!

Devotee of Allah!

You do 5 times Namaz!

It is very well!

But it is not necessary!

That you must visit mosque!

You may do it in home!

It will give same result!

No need of showing to others!

If you do it alone in silence!

It is still better!

No need of any crowd!

No need of other people!

If you are very big!

Devotee of Krishna!

You do 3 times prayer!

It is very well!

But it is not necessary!

That you must visit temple!

You may do it in home!

It will give same result!

No need of showing to others!

If you do it alone in silence!

It is still better!

No need of any crowd!

No need of other people!

If you are in mosque or temple!

But you think about your home!

Then you are in home in reality!

Not in mosque or temple!

Since main thing is your mind!

And not your body!

Wherever your mind exists!

You exist there in fact!

Remove the darkness of ignorant!

By sharing this message!

To Muslims and Hindus!

Thus worship Almighty!

Translate it in your language!

If they don't know English!

Thus make use of your Education!

Light the lamp of this knowledge!


Allah has all religions

Allah has all religions!

Allah has no religion!

Krishna has all religions!

Krishna has no religion!

Allah is Paramatma!

Krishna is Paramatma!

Atma has no religion!

Paramatma has no religion!

Ishwar Allah is one and same!

Ram Rahim is one and same!

Krishna Kareem is one and same!

Every God is Paramatma!

Every God is Atma!

Every God is Almighty!

Almighty is only one!

God is only one!

Hindu is son of only one Almighty!

Muslim is son of only one Almighty!

Sikh is son of only one Almighty!

Christian is son of only one Almighty!

Forward it to Hindus!

Forward it to Muslims!

Forward it to Sikhs!

Forward it to Christians!

In any language!

In your language!

If you love Allah!

If you love Krishna!

If you love Nanak!

If you love Jesus!

Make use of your education!

Remove darkness of ignorant!

9 March 2020

You can not be Hindu, Muslim if :

*You can not be Hindu, Muslim, etc if -

People are troubled by you.

*Even if you are doing religious task.

If you are in religious procession and some patient is dying since his ambulance is held up in

the procession, no one can save you from the anger of Almighty


*If you are public servant :

*If you are public servant, celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc and you are

enjoying the holidays. But there is important task or you are a Doctor. Then first comes your

duty to save the life of a patient before celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc.

*Almighty can not be happy if any public service is held up due to your celebration of Navaratri,

Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc.


*Almighty can not be happy if public transportation is held up due to Ganesh Visarjan, Durga

Visarjan, Namaz prayer on roads. Almighty can know Namaz prayer even if you do it in most

secret place.

*Always Remember that your duty is more important than celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid,

Diwali, Holi, etc.


Gita and Quran

Gita and Quran!

They are not for reading!

But for following!

Follow the contents!

Which you consider true!

Then you see the miracle!

You will know Almighty one day!

You will see Him one day!

Gita does not say!

Quran does not say!

Love only those who read it!

Gita and Quran say!

Love all human!

But what you do!

You read Gita and love only Hindu!

You read Quran and love only Muslim!

You go to temple and love only Hindu!

You go to mosque and love only Muslim!

And due to this reason!

You are unable to know Almighty!

Gita Quran temple mosque say!

Love all human!

Not only your community!

Love other children not only yours!

Those who are in Ramayana!

Those who are in Quran!

They made their life!

By behaving properly!

If you you behave as per them!

You can also change your life!



If you are Muslim!

And you want to follow!

The practices of Hindu religion!

No need of conversion!

You can remain as Muslim!

If you are Hindu!

And you want to follow!

The practices of Muslim religion!

No need of conversion!

You can remain as Hindu!

Why there should be a need

For conversion?

When Almighty is one and only one!

For all the religions!

All religions are different rivers!

Almighty is endless ocean!

All rivers meet the same!

At the end!

Religions have not been created

By Almighty!

Religions have been created!

By the man!

You must know!

Love is the only religion of man!

Any act which promotes

Love and happiness!

That is true practice!

That is true religion!

Any act which promotes

Hatred and unhappiness!

That is false practice!

That is false religion!

Since aim of your life!

Since aim of your birth!

To be happy ultimately!

To get peace ultimately!

If you want to know Almighty!

If you want to see Him!

Your mind should be converted!

Not your religion! Caste!

From bad thoughts to good!

From bad action to good!

From bad speech to good!

From bad company to good!

From selfish acts to selfless!

Then no need to go temple!

Then no need to go mosque!

Then no need to go Tirupati!

Then no need to go Kaba!

Then Krishna will come at your home!

Then Allah will come at your home!

And one day you will see that!

9 February 2020

Which is the biggest worship of God!

Which is the biggest worship of God!?

Be happy!

Just like

Parents want!

Their children must

Always be happy!

In the same way!

Almighty wants!

His children!

Must always be happy!


They are






Etc etc

Irrespective of their








Etc etc

5 January 2020

Spiritual India WhatsApp Groups

Hi Friends!

*I am so much thankful for being a part as an esteemed member of this group.

*I pray to Almighty for a healthy, happy and cheerful life of yours and your family in this New

Year 2020.

*I am overwhelmed with your nice gesture and your support to Spirituality, peace and love by

the way of this group!

*I want to inform you that our group is consisting the members from Hindu, Muslim Sikh,

Christian etc most of the religions.

*Religion doesn't teach us to divide. Religion teaches us to unite! And for this purpose only

religions have been created so that you must live a happy, healthy, peaceful and loving life!

*I request you not to post any content in the group which may spread hatred among the human.

I shall be thankful for your kind support in this matter.

It is like this. If you are a patient, you will not see the religion of the Doctor for your earliest


*If you are a student, you will not see the religion of the teacher for obtaining the best marks!

*For Spirituality, love and peace you will have to go above the religion!

I hope, you would have understood my intention!

*Wishing You Happy, Healthy and loving life for you and Your Loved ones in this New Year


Thanks n Regards

Pravin Agrawal


9 November 2019

Ayodhya Verdict

*I appreciate and congratulate Hindu, Muslims both communities for their love, patience, peace

and harmony on the occasion of Ayodhya verdict by Hon. Supreme Court.

*Time is changing. People are no more ignorant now. They know the real meaning of Dharma.

*Now people know that Almighty is one and same for both the communities.

*They know that there is no greater religion than love and help to each other. Then only both the

communities and nation can prosper.

11 October 2019

Follow virtues of all the religions :

*Suppose you are a student. You want to get good marks. Will you see the religion of the

teacher? You will certainly prefer to approach the best teacher to get the best marks.

*If you are patient. You will not see the religion of the Doctor. You will certainly prefer to

approach the best doctor for your earliest recovery irrespective of his religion.

*Similarly if you want to advance in the path of Almighty, you must forget your religion.

*You must follow the practices of the religion which gives you ultimate joy, happiness and which

improves your level.

*Almighty is one and only one for all the religions. Like all the rivers meet the mighty ocean at

last. In the same way all the religions meet only one Almighty at last.

*No religion imposes any restrictions if you follow its principles and practices.

If you are Muslim and you want to follow Krishna you can very well follow Him.

If you are Hindu and you want to follow Allah or any sufi saint, there is no restrictions.

*You must see your concern, your improvement, your happiness and joy.

Religions have been created by the man and not by Almighty!

*Follow virtues of all the religions!

15 September 2019

You can progress in divine journey only

*You can progress in divine journey only -

*If you see all persons as Jeevatma!

If you see all persons as Atma!

If you don't see them as Hindu, Muslim, etc!

If you see them as flesh and bones!

*Since flesh of bones don't have any religion!

If you see any one Hindu, Muslim, etc!

You are deceiving yourself!

See everyone as Atma!

*Potter makes the idols!

Of Hindu, Muslim, etc!

With soil!

He does not see them!

As Hindu, Muslim, etc!

He sees them as soil!

*Be wise!

See everyone like this!

12 August 2019

Sacrifice of Animals

*I am against sacrifice of any animal or bird in any religious festival.

Sacrifice is still practiced in Hindu and Muslim, both religions.

*In Kamakya temple Guwahati, sacrifice of animals and birds is practiced.

I used to keep hatred against the people who do sacrifice. But when I read the story of Sadana

Kasai who used to kill the animals for his livelihood. I had to re-think again. I thought how

Almighty God, lord Vishnu became appeased with him and gave Darshan.

Then I concluded something. Still in some areas of the world, people are not getting veg food.

Hence they have to kill animals, birds, fish, etc for their survival.

In my opinion it is not good to kill any creature. For this I like Jain Dharma.

But we can not avoid all these things. When we walk we kill so many ants. When we breathe we

kill so many bacteria.

*Even trees and plants have life. If we cut any tree we kill the Jeeva. We eat vegetables. Then

also we kill Jeeva. We drink milk which also contains Jeeva or bacteria.

24 April 2019

If you don't want love and peace!

*If you don't want love n peace, then what you want?

Do you want to a fight between Hindu and Muslims?

*If we all end ourselves by fighting each other, no world will be left.

What will be the outcome?

Who will live on this planet?

You want to see a fighting planet or peaceful planet?

*Already man is surrounded by so many sorrows and problems, you want increase his sorrows?

*Only solution to enhance peace of this planet is that human must love each other to live peacefully.

5 March 2019

Reply of Question No. 1


Answer - Lord Rama says : PARHIT SARIS DHARMA NAHI BHAI. Its meaning that there is no

greater Dharma than to help others.

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh etc are not Dharma.

26 December 2018

I feel bad

*I feel bad if someone criticizes Muslims.

I feel bad if someone criticizes Hindus.

*You are beyond Hindu or Muslim.

*You may fight for your right.

But without criticizing any one.

? ? ?

About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

? ? ?

27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

? ? ?

Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal

All More Than 1000 Likes-

My Nature Sets Right Everything-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-

People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita-

Rules For Living In Your Family By Pravin Agrawal-

Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Some Important Linkedin Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

Miraculous Benefits of Hanuman Chalisa-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

How to begin a spiritual journey?-

? ? ?

Something New On Death: Everyone Is Waiting To Die-

Something New On Death: What happens after death?-

Peace can't be achieved without divine-

The Most Secret Knowledge - Adhyatma Vidya-

You don't need to win the Nobel Peace Prize-

Your sins can not be washed by religious places-

Your Self-Realization is the greatest service to the world-

Gems Of Ashtavakra Gita To Know The Self-

Powerful Ganesh mantras to get you through tough times-

Miraculous benefits of 5 powerful Shiva Mantras-

Secret of Yoga By Pravin Agrawal-

28 Punishments for OUR SINS - GARUDA PURANA-


Historical Proof that Lord Shiva Reside in Kailash-

Miraculous benefits of Shiva Tandava Stotram-

Rudra Gayatri Mantra Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-

Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram for Wealth & Employment-

Don't forget these 10 things when placing your Ganesha at home or office-

23 Shocking Secrets of Black Magic-

English Meaning and Translation of 16 Kabir Ke Dohe!-

If your wife has these 4 qualities consider yourself lucky!-

Gems Of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra To Know The Self Part 2-

How to be Enlightened as per Ashtavakra Gita Part 4-

True Incidents About Bhagavad Gita-


25 Astrological Tips For Getting Pregnant-

Why is Gayatri Mantra the most powerful hymn? Find out-

Kanakadhara Stotra : Meaning, Advance Benefits and Power-

Nine Rare Siddhis : Secret Yoga-

Nine Ayurveda Tips for Weight Loss-

Know These 9 Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water With Turmeric In The Morning-

How to pass a very difficult time?-

Liberation- Not After the Death-

Mars - Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

Most Popular Shlokas From Bhagavad Gita With Meanings-

Rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita-

7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Ganesh-

Slideshows / Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-

Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 2-

Quotes on Man and Woman By Pravin Agrawal-

Science Of God For New Thoughts-

Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English-

51 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening-

Shocking facts about Lord Ganesha no one knows-

Srimad Bhagavad Gita first chapter with its glories-

Srimad Bhagavad Gita second chapter with its glories-

Miraculous benefits of Ganesha mantra-

Be Roman In The Rome-

Bhagavad Gita: 25 of Most Easy Techniques to know Almighty Pt 3-

25 Mind-blowing facts about Goddess Durga-

Bajrang Baan-

Bhagavad Gita First & Last Shloka and Message-

25 Mind-blowing facts about Bhagavad Gita-

? ? ?

Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?


Kunal Kapote

Project Manager

1 年


Rajendra Singh Thakur

Xpress bees private limited

1 年

Jai mata rani

Sumant Yadav

Salesforce Developer | Salesforce service cloud | Trailhead ranger.

1 年

????Jay shree Ram ????

Gayaprasad Yadav

Cloud Security | Network security | Firewalls (Cisco ASA and Palo alto | F5 LTM | Zscaler ZIA, ZPA and R&S.

1 年

Jai shri ram ????



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  • When I was enlightened by Pravin Agrawal

    When I was enlightened by Pravin Agrawal

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  • Science of God For Future World Part 160

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