Tips To Keep Your Team Inspired And Reaching For The Stars
In today's modern workplace, teams work a little differently. You may have more remote workers than usual, more flextime and a bigger emphasis on different styles of learning and collaborating.?
Gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all model when it comes to being a leader. But new teams require a new way of working together.?
Here are some tips to keep your team inspired and on goal.
Solve, don't sell: Don't just tell your employees to perform better by selling them a dream. Explain how their work directly impacts the health of the company and show them the progression they could take. By showing your team the outcome of their efforts, they'll feel more connected to making it work.?
Purpose over profit: While we want our businesses to succeed, it's not all about making the most money you can. Your employees will also be more inspired to contribute knowing their hard work impacts more than just the economics.?
Help your employees learn: We could all talk into the void about buzzwords and strategy, but most of the time, your employees won't respond well to overused soundbites. Employees are more likely to stick around in their jobs if they feel like they’re making a difference, and one of those differences is learning more. Put the effort into teaching your staff how to do it themselves, even become the next you. Be a great teacher.?
Innovate: Innovation seems to be the word on everyone’s lips at the moment, with good reason. It’s the best way to keep your team inspired. Giving your team the space to break the rules a little can help your business grow where it needs to. Provide your team with the resources they need to let their ideas thrive.?
Ownership over ideas: Accountability is important in business, but sometimes it just creates a finger-pointing hierarchy. Why not try going one step further and instilling "ownership" in ideas? Not only will this show your employees that you trust them enough to take control, but it will also help you delegate in the right way. It also helps you realize which employees mean to stay.
GenNEXT Funding can help inspire your team with our sales enablement program. Call to set up time to discuss the courses that can help your team reach for the stars.
Call 800.773.6531 or email [email protected]?