Tips For Investors In Volatile Markets
Avigyan Mitra
Wealth Management | Equities | Health Insurance | Finance | Alternates | Simplifying Finance
Volatile markets can inspire feelings of fear and anxiety among investors. When the stock market gets rocky, focusing on your overall financial picture, combined with sound planning, can pay dividends.
These five steps can help steady your pulse during market spikes and elevate your financial security:
Investors who need short-term liquidity—for example, if you plan to make a large purchase soon will likely want to pursue a different path than investors who do not need cash right away. All else being equal, the latter group might be better able to stomach volatility in the short term. But any investor who cannot bear the thought of—or cannot afford—locking in losses in times of volatility may want to explore less volatile alternatives to help secure their portfolio's value.
Stock market fluctuations are outside the control of any single investor. So control what you can, and focus on key investing concepts such as staying diversified and rebalancing to stay aligned with your goals.