Tips to Increase Sales
Kemal Sidar
(Multi) Awarded International Entrepreneur (UK&TR) I R&D Project Management I International Business Development
Everybody whether you have a new or established business wants to increase sales. The more sales you have the more it will benefit your company and hopefully translate into more profit, however, all businesses go through both highs and lows. The important thing is what you do when sales stagnate or decline. The e-commerce industry is continually changing and adapting, old strategies do not always continue to work. As a leading sales and management consulting firm we have some handy tips for increasing sales and getting more customers.
1. Look at your existing customers
Increasing sales does not necessarily come from more customers and sometimes a customer retention strategy can be the best way forward. Existing customers tend to add more items to their baskets, have higher conversion rates and generate a higher revenue than new customers each time they shop. This is not to say that you should ignore attracting new customers, but it is important to look after the customers you already have so found ways to improve their shopping experience.
2. Include videos
We have mentioned the importance of using videos in a previous blog and this cannot be overemphasised; customers love videos. It is said to be one of the best marketing strategies in terms of investment return. If there are videos associated with products users will spend more time looking at that listing compared to ones that do not. One of the easiest ways to include videos is to create product demonstrations that show customers how the item works. This is particularly relevant for sites selling new, unique or creative products. If creating videos sounds daunting, then consider getting online sales management services assistance.
3. Link photos to customer testimonials
User reviews and testimonials have a big impact on other shoppers but with suspect reviews making news headlines a nameless faceless review is no longer as convincing as it was before. By including pictures and the persons' full details you take the testimonial to the next level.
4. Be Mobile Device Friendly
Shopping from mobile devices is becoming more and more the norm. Customers are no longer only shopping from their computers. Therefore, you need to make sure that if you have your own website that it is optimised for mobile devices. Mobile apps are also proving to be a preferred option by customers compared to mobile websites, so this is something to consider as a means to increase sales and grow your business.
5. Highlight your top-selling products
Show customers what other people are buying, this gives those customers who need it some direction, not everyone browsing knows exactly what they are looking for, especially during the festive season when people are looking for gifts for other people. If your company sells a wide range of products, it can be overwhelming, especially for a new customer. Generally, the top sellers should also be the most profitable so attracting customers to these items is a big win for the business.
6. Fear of Missing Out
A marketing strategy that is on the increase, particularly in the fashion and beauty industry, is to play on the fear of missing out – creating a sense of urgency that the product will sell out. The aim of this is to get shoppers to buy now instead of leaving the item in their basket for a later date. It will also entice the impulsive buying to make a decision. In order to create this urgency, you need to tell customers that there is a limited quantity of items. Linked to this is having a flash sale as it creates the impression that if they do not buy it now during the sale, they will end up spending more money later.
If sales are starting to slow down, you may need some creative ways to market your products. Some of our suggestions include focusing your marketing efforts on your existing customer base, using video demonstrations to show customers how to use your products, include photographs with testimonials and create a sense of urgency to encourage customers to make a buy. Consider developing a mobile application and highlight your top-selling items.
How the London Bridge Project Can Help to Deliver Success
The London Bridge Project (LBP) is a leading sales and management consulting firm that provides both amazon consulting services and amazon sales support for businesses looking to grow exponentially within the biggest marketplace in the world. We offer a complete end-to-end service for Amazon based businesses, which includes providing valuable insights into Amazon sales data and a pipeline of under-explored opportunities within your niche.
If you would like to learn more about how the London Bridge Project can help your online business, make sure to contact a member of our team today to discuss your requirements.