Tips to Improve Your Website – Tip #3

Tips to Improve Your Website – Tip #3

This is the third part of our “Tips to Improve Your Website” series and today we are talking about how your website is viewed and the importance of knowing your audience, who they are, where they are and when they are likely to be looking at your website.

If you are interested in our other articles in this series you can find them on our news page in our web design category.

Tip Number 3: Ensure your site has good Usability

Website & Mobile Usability

How do you look at your website and why is that important?

In an ideal world, your website should look great and function well on all devices and all browsers and platforms and do so quickly but the world is not ideal so how do you decide which are more important? I feel like so many of you reading this quickly answered that obvious its mobiles that are the way forward, but is that true for all businesses?

While its true that mobile first search is important for speed, search engine ranking and website performance and that even the latest Google Analytics, GA4, is born of App first data consideration is targeting the mobile audience above all others ALWAYS the right choice?

The answer lies not just in the technology but in the term “audience” if you want to get in front of your target audience you need to work out who they are, where they are and how they interact.

Example one:

You are a local plumber who spends the majority of your day answering Whatsapp messages asking for quotes that have originated from a Google Business Profile, a social media page or from the link on your website. This gives you a clear understanding that you are more likely to have a mobile, visual and fast paced audience who are looking for a quick way to get their needs met so your focus is clearly going to be how your site looks and its functionality on mobile devices.

Example two:

Your business is a B2B service provider and you get the majority of your work from referrals but also get leads from your forms on your website. You have closed loop tracking that shows you that the visitors who come to your website and fill in your form have a 60% conversion rate to a verified lead and that the source of those leads is from direct, organic and paid traffic to your site showing a clear preference to desktop devices and the Chrome browser. While it’s important not to exclude other sources its clear that to maintain this the priority should be on making sure that this audience who currently convert well are seeing your site in the best light possible without issues rather than a mobile audience.

So finding out and understanding what works well, where your target audience is likely to be and how they are looking at your site has to take priority over how you see it, even if you own the company!

Building your site for you audience and for conversions is key, not forgetting of course that if you are looking to broaden that audience you need to consider them too and how they are going to see your site.

So before you consider how your site looks on X device or Y browser ask yourself why it’s important – Do you know if your target audience is using that device, what browser converts well and when your audience are looking at your site? Because finding out might mean that you can improve your site in a way that converts better.

Keep an eye out for more “Tips to improve your website” on our news page!

Web2market are happy to help you with improving your website and increasing the conversion traffic to your site, starting with the website design and user experience.

Our team can assist you in making a great first impression for your customers.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us on ?01480 878510.


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