Tips to Improve Your Organization's Cybersecurity Posture
MXDR | Securus360 | Cybersecurity

Tips to Improve Your Organization's Cybersecurity Posture

A cyberattack can strike anywhere, any time. These threats are evolving at a rapid pace and companies are struggling to adapt to a more hostile climate. Corporate leadership teams often fail to prioritize their organization’s cybersecurity posture, enlisting a "set it and forget it" mentality with their security measures, or even worse, they may focus on reactive approaches rather than proactively implementing cybersecurity protection measures. So how can your organization improve its cybersecurity posture against these constantly evolving threats?

1) Cybersecurity Onboarding for New Employees

devices configured and connected to the network, but also to provide awareness training for cyber threats. Develop clearly defined cybersecurity policies and procedures so new employees are clear on what’s expected of them in the event of a cybersecurity event. Teaching them why policies exist, such as showcasing real cyberattack data and impact, and showing them how to correctly follow cybersecurity procedures are equally important during the onboarding process.

2) Ongoing & Remedial Cybersecurity Training to All Employees

le cybersecurity training during employee onboarding is imperative, it cannot be a one-and-done procedure. In order to protect your organization from cyber threats, it is important to provide adequate cybersecurity training to all employees on a routine basis. As threats continue to become more sophisticated and more frequent, it is important to ensure that you are periodically keeping your employees updated on threat types that are relevant to their job function and position. This will help them be more aware of potential threats and how to avoid them. It will also keep them aware of who to inform in the event of a cybersecurity event.

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