Tips to improve Insurance Sale

Tips to improve Insurance Sale

This question was asked thru my Quora account:


I’m an insurance agent but I have a problem with selling policies. I think I lost some of the basic skills needed to sell policies. Can anyone help?


Look into the following aspects, you might get / find the solution :

  1. Try to sell solution to a need of a person or family, don't try to sell product. You are a Financial Consultant, not just a salesman of any product.

2. Focus on activity. You should meet as many people you can on daily basis persistently. 80% of success depend on your regular & focused activity.

3. Prospect list is your raw material, never fall short on that. always keep adding new prospects on daily basis. Ask for referrals from your existing clients.

4. Your income will be at par with your prospects income, therefore, always choose prospects with reasonably good or higher income.

5. Improve your skills. Work on your script(s) you use in cold callings, meetings & presentations. Check your speech style & gestures and try to bring adjustments / improvements. Be a good Storyteller whenever / wherever necessary during your presentation(s).

6. Read books and articles on topics related to your profession, watch videos on Sales & Motivation from U Tube.

7. Be focused - Your direction is more important than your speed.

8. Be consistent, keep patience & keep working on self-grooming.

9. Always keep your working tools with you i.e Forms, documents, material, etc, you will require to complete a client's documentation. If your company has adopted full digitalization, your Laptop must be fully equipped with all necessary documentations.

10. Remember, Life Insurance Sale is not a job - It is a business. Keep investing in your business like any other business. Starting from yourself to your clients.

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