Tips on How to Get Kids to Wear Face Masks:
Charles Butler
Licensed HECM Advisor NMLS# 2262315 ?? | Passionate Nonprofit Leader ?? | Advocate for Community ?? Empowerment and Financial Literacy ??| Experienced Project Manager ??
By now, we all know that the novel coronavirus spreads when an infected person speaks, sneezes, or coughs within six feet of others and that wearing a mask or cloth face covering can slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting the release of the virus into the air. As schools get ready to reopen in the fall, many parents are looking for guidance, especially on how to encourage their child to wear a face-covering during the pandemic.
What is the best type of face covering for a child, and do the type of material, the number of layers, and the use of a filter matter?
The World Health Organization recommends having a multilayer face covering to stop particles from getting in; however, having a number of layers and a filter may make it difficult for the wearer to breathe. The CDC recommends that standard cotton masks are fine for children.
What should parents do to encourage their child to wear a mask? Remember Children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask.
It’s important for parents to be open and honest with their child when talking about face masks, and keep the conversation at a level the child can understand. Explain to them why the masks are needed for their safety and the safety of others. Encourage the children to wear face coverings mainly when it is difficult to maintain a distance of six feet from others.
Have your child practice wearing the face-covering in small increments of time to help him get used to it. Put a cloth face covering on a favorite stuffed animal. Decorate the masks so that they are more personalized and fun. Encourage the child to name the mask and care for it himself.
What is the best way for a child to wear a face-covering?
Have your child wear it over their nose and mouth, and make sure that it fits snugly against the sides of their face.
Show them how to take the mask off by pulling on the ear loops or ties. Have them wash their hands before and after handling the mask. IMPORTANT: Teach children not to touch or share their masK.
For more information and guidance on best practices to prevent the risk of exposure or transmission of COVID-19, contact your child’s physician.
Remember it's not just about you, it's also protecting others from you.
Crossroads Opportunity
Charles Butler
Strengthening and Promoting Awareness