Keep these things in mind to avoid becoming a hijack victim:
- Park in a secure area, with good lighting and preferably a guard on duty.
- Have your keys ready, but out of sight, and only unlock your car when you’re close to it. Many Suzukis come with keyless entry which saves you from scrabbling around in your handbag in the dark.
- Keep your valuables out of sight, preferably in the boot.
- Drive with your windows closed and doors locked.
- Stay vigilant. Be aware of your surroundings and watch your mirrors for any suspicious vehicles or pedestrians. Avoid distractions, like checking your phone at the robot, as this leaves you vulnerable.
- Don’t remain stationary if you don’t need to. Slow down when approaching a red robot at night, so it’s green by the time you reach the intersection.
- Keep a safe following distance (approximately one car length) and when stopped at a robot, allow yourself space to maneuver in case you need to make a quick getaway.
- If you feel like you’re being followed, drive straight to your nearest police station or a busy, well lit public area.
- Change your route regularly to avoid criminals being able to identify your routine.
- Let people know in advance what time you’ll be arriving so that someone can open and close the gate for you.
- Keep your own driveway well lit and cut back any overgrown shrubs which could obstruct vision of your surroundings.