Tips From the Tub
Cliff Spolander
Business Transformation Strategist | Visionary & Data-Driven Leader | Operational Excellence Architect | Executive Coach & Advisory Board Member
This is all about getting your business ready for exit.
Let's see Cliff live from the tub.
Here we go.
Hi, and welcome back to tips from the tub.
Last time we looked at how you can remove yourself from the day to day tasks that get you sucked into your business.
In this post, we are going to look at the ingredients that goes into creating an exit plan.
If you were to imagine exit planning is like a three legged stool.
The first leg for every business owner is the business plan.
The second leg is the personal plan.
And the third leg is the financial plan.
Now each of these three legs of the stool must have a common purpose.
They must support the owner's vision. They need to be aligned. They must have equal priority and they must be addressed in equal measure. Because as you can imagine, if one of those legs are shorter or longer than the other, either have more priority than the others, it will create an unstable platform and it may even cause the entire platform to collapse.
Next time we'll look at each of those three plans in more detail, starting with the business plan.
Join me next time for more tips from the tub.
Absolutely brilliant.
I've got so many questions I know Nick has as well, tips from the tub.
Being a south African, I get it. You know, yeah you have your beer, you've got your bride going, you've got your dunk pool there keeping cool in the summer, you've come over to the UK, obviously you haven't got your dunk pool so you've gone and got your wheelie bin.
Really miss the Navy, I'll tell you.
The concept's great, tips from the tub.
Absolutely brilliant.
How the hell did you come up with the idea?
That's a good question.
I use the cold water immersion for my training so, especially in the winter now it's more like a hot tub now, but in the winter it gets to around three, four degrees, so it's nice and chilled.
So I tend to do some exercise in the morning, jump in the tub and do some cold water submersion.
Purely for the health benefits, but also, as you can imagine,? the last thing you want to do really is to get into some cold water for one or two minutes.
And so I I'd use it for more like, for self discipline and to kind of be comfortable being uncomfortable And, and so I realised that, I could probably offer,? a quick one to two minute tip on business, on exit planning while I'm sitting there freezing my butt off.
That's how the idea came about. You look really comfortable in there, like awkward look, in, in the, in the icy water,? I didn't for a second assume it was, you were chilled to the bone.
You look, you look fresh in there.
If you, if you had to leave the camera on and watch me get out, you see me shivering, so, appearances can be deceiving.
No one else is giving tips from the tub.
Not that I've ever seen.
That's awesome.
Awesome stuff mate.
And, and great tips too.
You're keeping a clear head, even though? you are sitting in the icy icy flow.
And you do have, I've got a, just a snippet of your YouTube page here.
You've got a number of those tips from the tub. I kind of, and I've watched a handful of these now, I haven't watched every single one of them, I'm working my way through, but they're all short.
They're all about, that one was one minute and 20 seconds. I think the maximum is like just over two minutes, they're all quite short, concise, to the point. And they're all helping and making people think about.
What that looks like in their business, preparing them potentially for the exit, getting their strategy into place and stuff like that.
Highly recommend it.
They can just Google or sorry, just go onto YouTube and search tips from the tub. and up comes Cliff in the icy cold waters and I'd recommend start from the beginning and work your way through the top tips.
They're brilliant and see if you can see, see if you can see any shivers.
I reckon!
Look close.
They're, they're brilliant.
Cold water, not so bad during this weather. It was pretty great to get in there and, ? chill off and, cool down.
But, yeah, I couldn't imagine that come the winter month.
I'd have to be putting a couple of kettle loads of hot water in there.
I assume more tips from the tub will be following, I think you're up to episode 17 at the moment, I think it was the latest.
There's more, there's more to follow, more to follow, I think there's another 10 more or so to go. And then that will kind of conclude the, the tips from the tub exit planning series.
Did you film them all in one go out of interest?
Did you kind of go, right, I've got 29 tips that I'm going to do, I'm gonna jump in there and kind of record each one. Or have you been doing 'em on a weekly, daily basis?
I try and do when the weather's good and isn't too windy.
So I try and keep when the days are pretty good for filming, because obviously we're outside, I can't control the light and the wind and things like that. I think the, the best I could do is three videos at a time before I actually can't talk anymore.
I'll try and do at least one, but I'll try and put, two or three if I'm able to.
Ah, brilliant.
That's intense when your lips go blue, it's time to get out, right? When you lips are the same color as the tub, time to, time to exit.
I see this is great, great advice.
And especially that step back and assess, and as you said, most businesses head down, go, go, go dealing with all sorts of staff firefighting, making it happen.
But stepping back and assessing absolutely key.