Tips on finding a job that you love
Finding the right job is a challenge. It's easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of what you want from your career. But there are ways that you can stay focused on finding your dream job—and they're all based on knowing yourself better and being honest about what you really love doing. Here are some tips to help:
Put yourself out there.
You can’t find a job until you know what kind of job you want. All right, so here’s the catch: this process can take time. It may take months or even years to figure out what gets you up every morning with a spring in your step, but it will be worth it! Once you identify what makes for a fulfilling career, everything else will fall into place easily.
Before you go to any job interview or start any new gig, stop, and become clear on what you love doing.
Before you go to any job interview or start any new gig, stop, and get clear on what you love doing. Finding a job that you love can be challenging (and sometimes painful), but it's worth it.
It's important not to settle for something that doesn't make your heart sing—even if some of your friends are getting their “dream jobs” and making lots of money. With time and practice, the right opportunity will come along when the time is right for you.
Don't worry about what other people are doing; focus on making your own path by following your joy. Be patient—if a job feels like a struggle, there may be something else in store down the road that speaks directly to who you are as an individual (and let me tell you: there will be).
Turn your hobbies into gigs.
It's easier than you think to turn your hobbies into gigs. Even if you're not sure what your dream job is, there are plenty of ways to get started making money from things you already enjoy doing.
If you love sports, for example, consider becoming an athletic trainer or physical therapist. If cooking is your thing, consider becoming a personal chef or opening your own restaurant. And if dancing makes you happy, maybe one day it will lead to choreographing music videos!
Once you decide on an idea, learn how much experience and skill it takes to get started in that field. Go out and learn as much as possible. This way, when someone asks what kind of work experience qualifies you for the position the company wants to fill, you can make sure you will already have this experience!
Research the company.
- Research what the company does.
- Find out how you can apply for a job at this company.
- Learn about their culture and what they value in their employees.
Fake it till you make it.
The concept of “fake it till you make it” is often seen in the business world, but it can also be a helpful strategy for finding a job you love. When a company hires someone to do a job that they have no experience doing, they are essentially asking them to fake their way through until they become experts at what they’re doing. If you want to find a job that is perfect for your personality and interests, then why not do the same thing?
It would help if you tried to think like an employer when considering yourself as an employee. What kind of qualities would make any employer hire someone? Being able to work well with others is always essential; communicating clearly about what needs to be done; demonstrating knowledge about specific topics—all of these things show employers that you really want this job!
The job market is tough, but with a little effort and creativity, you can find work that you’re passionate about. So go ahead and get started!