- As working professionals, it is our duty to keep on enhancing our command over a language which we use in the professional world. And good command over a language cannot happen overnight, it is an ongoing process requiring regular reading.
- Read a good magazine or a book which has good intellectual rigour - like Harvard Business Review, Economist, Frontline (Indian), Caravan (Indian), Open (Indian) and Reader's Digest.
- Keep a highlighter for marking difficult words.
- Even if you can make out the meaning of the word, still checkout it's meaning from a dictionary (or through google).
- Write that word and its meaning on a notebook. It gets imprinted on mind only when you actually write it.
And voila ! Over a period of time, you will realise that your vocabulary has increased. Plus you get the added happiness of writing with a fountain pen (esp when you are fond of writing with a fountain pen).