Someone once said "your network is your net worth," meaning that it is your greatest asset.
However, while we all appreciate the undeniable benefits of networking and its impact on our business or career, we sometimes struggle with the question of how to sustain it?without it feeling like an extra load we must carry on our backs all the time.
Here are a few tips about how to do it without breaking a sweat.
1. You must be strategic about it. What purpose does it serve? If you spend all your?time meeting random people?hoping that this effort will deliver an important contact over time, you won't get far. We all know of folks who live in clubs, and when their spouses complain it,?they retort that "networking" is vital to their careers.
2. Are there common interests with those you are networking with?
Do your interests and goals align with theirs, and have you figured out how the network can help you forge meaningful working relationships? You will need to constantly ask - and answer - these questions in order to reach your intended goals.
3. You can combine networking with pursuit of other aspirations. For example, join like-minded professionals in charity activities such as giving career guidance talks to secondary school students, or even hiking (keeping fit in the process). Forums such as Rotary Clubs provide excellent networking opportunities while also giving you a chance to take part in charity activities. In other words, networking should not always be self-serving. It shouldn't be all about you. A strong network is built with mutually beneficial relationships where all parties benefit.
?4. Schedule time to network. If there are relevant networking events, all the better. I know of people who schedule weekly spots for a coffee or lunch with people who can impact their work. But you must be strategic about which evening events are worthwhile for you otherwise you could hurt your overall life balance. However, you should think beyond the formal events, beyond the cocktail parties and the membership association events.?Family events such as weddings and birthdays, as well as the occasional graduation party, are as important. Capitalize on your circles, like family, colleagues, and friends from school and university as you expand outwards.
?5. Sometimes we only think of pampering our external networks, forgetting that effective networks should start right where we work. It's easy - and highly beneficial - to network with colleagues at all levels - from the tea lady to the Big Boss. Many careers have been transformed by something learnt during a random Friday evening drink with colleagues.
?6. In networking you should be able to make contacts and build relationships in a person. In order to network successfully, be proactive and be get involved with different activities?so you can meet people.
?7.?Networking skills are?the abilities or competencies you need to maintain interpersonal connections. They help establish contact and create a two-way communication channel. Beyond the scope of skill development, networking should be developed as a habit as it can accelerate your professional development and career.
8.?Networking is critical in leadership. By?helping you identify career opportunities, build a successful team, anticipate organizational changes, and stay on top of industry trends, your professional network is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal as a leader. I will leave you with these words from a website called Capital Placement:
"One of the obvious benefits of networking is fast-tracking your career growth and improving your communication skills. Having a good reputation with a wide range of people will increase your chances of getting referrals and job opportunities, so don’t restrict yourself to traditional networking circles. You never know who someone may be able to connect you to or what you might learn."
There you go. Make this a great year for networking!
By Doris Makena, Group Sales and Marketing Manager.