Tips to eat healthy when you are BUSY

Taking care of your body by eating nutritious foods is just as vital to overall feelings of well-being as your professional success. No matter how busy you are, these eating strategies will keep you healthy and productive throughout the day:

1. Eat early.

Starting your workday without eating is like driving your car without enough fuel. Even if you don’t typically eat breakfast, grabbing something simple like an apple and a hardboiled egg or an unsweetened plain yogurt and berries tells your body it’s no longer fasting and gives it energy to start the day.

2. Become a pack rat.

Before you shop for your weekly groceries, add some nonperishable snacks to your list that you can mix and match into 100- to 200-calorie packs to keep in your bag and desk drawer. Think raw nuts, dry-roasted edamame, whole-grain (and low-sugar) cereal, popcorn, unsweetened dried fruit and even dark chocolate  chips.

3. Plan your eating breaks.

You wouldn’t start your day without a to-do list, so why wing it with your meals? Review your schedule while commuting and plan for an eating break every three to four hours. Set an alarm on your phone as a reminder.

4. Eat like a superhero.

To stay full and energized—and keep blood sugar levels steady—include the dynamic duo of fiber and protein with each meal and snack. Examples include a salad with grilled chicken, shrimp or tuna; whole-wheat crackers topped with almond butter and banana slices; a whole-wheat pita stuffed with hummus and cucumber slices; or a fresh fruit salad topped with low-fat cottage cheese.



