Tips For An Easy Winter-To-Spring Skincare Transition
It’s true, the groundhog did not see his shadow, indicating that it’s time to pull out the mini skirts and pastels for spring, but you also need to switch up your skincare.
With your skin changing over time, it’s important to make sure your skincare routine is a system that you can count. Winter is typically filled with face and neck skin creams and heavier moisturizers, but that’s not necessary when dealing with warmer weather.
In the warmer months, your skin naturally produces oils to hydrate the skin and even protect from outside toxins and harsh atmospheres your skin encounters throughout the day, which is why during the spring and summertime months you need to use skincare products for your face, eyes, and neck, that are lighter so you don’t clog your pores.
Liz Milano’s Wrinkler Fighter is THE answer for a light face moisturizer that works for all skin types. Liz Milano’s Wrinkle Fighter effortlessly works to protect against UV sun damage by helping to rebuild and repair skin at the cellular level. Best of all, Wrinkle Fighter can be worn under makeup primers or before applying sunscreen.
Speaking of sunscreen … are you using an SPF? If not, shame on you!
No matter what other products you use, an SPF moisturizer should be #1 on your list! This is because the most powerful villain against aging is the sun as it not only causes blemishes and discoloration, it weakens the skin cells, causing them to break down. When your skin “breaks down†that means your skin starts to show fine lines and wrinkles because it lacks in nourishment and vitality.
So are you ready to change your skincare routine from winter to the warmer months? Just think of your spring skincare as an excuse to try new products - like Liz Milano’s supreme lineup. Wink! Wink!