Tips For De-escalating Conflicts At Your Business and Property?

Tips For De-escalating Conflicts At Your Business and Property?

Security Guards are always the responders to any conflict of any business or property ,

Many people believe that armed guards are the only way to ensure the security of their establishments . However, there are many places and situations where an armed security service may not be the right choice, including public places like schools and universities, houses of worship, or certain gun-free zones.

Unarmed guards are your first line of defense against criminals, hostile customers, or trespassers and intruders. If an event occurs, even if they don’t carry firearms, our unarmed security guards are trained to de-escalate situations and resolve conflicts through what we call verbal Judo so that owners and managers can focus on their business.

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To De-escalate a situation it is key to have a trained security officer, this is why at North Star Security Solutions, we train our officers on different scenarios rather than just hold a post, and not knowing what to do in case a conflict should arise.

It is very important to know certain things for example:

A disagreement with a client or customer that frequently visits you establishment, could be something very minor and this is where the importance of de-escalating the situation, our security officers are trained and have the ability to determine whether it is a small misunderstanding that can be corrected with what we call verbal judo, or further action needed,

Being a listener , and proper clear communication in a non-confrontational manner can resolve a lot of issues on its own.


