Tips to Create Eye-Catching Sub-Headings for Your Articles
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“[Subheads] act as road signs on a reader’s journey through the text. They give direction and highlight key information and points of interest. If your signals are clear your readers can quickly see what’s most important and what they want to read.”
— Jacqueline Howard, author of “12 Key Parts of a Newsletter
Subheadings are a great way to organize your thoughts and break up large chunks of text. They signal to your reader that you're about to change gears, and they can help keep you focused as you write. Plus, well-crafted subheadings can actually be helpful to your reader by making your text easier to scan and navigate.
43% of people tend to skim blog posts. So make sure your blog is easy to scan with short paragraphs, subheadings, and visuals.
They help to break up the text and make it more readable, and they also give the reader a quick way to see what the main topics are.
Creating great subheadings can be a bit of an art form. However, there are some basic guidelines you can follow to make sure they are effective.
Here are some tips for crafting great subheadings:
??Keep them short and to the point
Subheadings should be no longer than 100 characters, with 80 being optimal. This allows readers to focus on the main point of the subheading and gives you more room for a more detailed explanation. Try not to be too wordy or redundant in your subheadings, because this can make your article less readable.
??Use keywords and phrases that accurately describe the content
Subheadings should not just repeat what's written in the body text. but rather act as additional keywords for search engines to index and help people find your content when they're looking for similar topics or keywords.
??Make them interesting and informative
Like any good piece of writing, subheadings should have a purpose beyond simply repeating what's written elsewhere in the body text — they should emphasize key points or give context that is otherwise difficult to convey without using words like "for example" or "in addition."
??Use proper grammar and punctuation
In order to write effectively, it is important to use proper punctuation and grammar. Incorrect usage can lead to confusing sentences that are difficult for the reader to follow. For example, using commas incorrectly can change the meaning of a sentence completely. Likewise, incorrect use of verb tenses can make your writing seem choppy or unfinished. To make sure your writing flows smoothly and makes sense, aim for active and passive voice along with parallelism and subordination in your sentence structure. Be concise by sticking to short paragraphs that grab readers' attention with catchy subheadings. Use proper punctuation (including apostrophes) as these help Readers identify where one paragraph ends and another begins!
??Keep the overall flow of the article in mind
When writing a content piece, the most important thing to remember is the overall flow of the article. This means that you should use active words and phrases to grab attention and make your points as clear as possible. Be descriptive in order to paint a vivid picture for the reader, while using concrete nouns and verbs will help them understand what you're saying better. In addition, keep your sub-headings short so readers know where they are heading without feeling overwhelmed by lengthy blocks of text. And lastly, try not to go overboard with your sentence length - it can easily bog down readers who want to get on with the main point of your piece!
Writing good subheadings is an essential part of writing an effective blog article. They give the reader a clear idea of what the article is going to cover and can help keep the article on the topic. So make sure you’re optimizing your headlines and subheadings to help readers find solutions.