Tips to Cope with Workplace Illness
Manu Sareen
Founder & CEO at Green Facilities Management Ltd |Eco-friendly Commercial Cleaning | Innovative Products to Reduce Infection and combat viruses like Covid.
Winter and Springtime are when people at most risk of cold & flu. It is, therefore, important for the businesses to have a strategy in place to prevent the spread of infection at the workplace.
Facilities Managers & Office Managers can use the following tips to educate co-workers and protect themselves and others :
- Maintaining a distance of three feet between themselves and coworkers to minimise the spread of infectious germs.
- Not touching or using equipment that belongs to another coworker, including phones, keyboards, pens, and staplers.
- Covering their mouths and noses with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing of it properly.
- Wiping down work areas with disinfectant wipes, especially high-touch surfaces, such as light switches, door handles, phone receivers, etc.
- Minimising personal contact by using e-mail, Web conferences, interoffice phone calls, etc.
- Developing a Sick Leave Policy
- Increasing cleaning around the high traffic areas & during high traffic time to reduce cross-contamination
- Signs should be posted in restrooms and throughout the building about the importance of hand hygiene, including thorough washing and drying.
- Make tissues and hand sanitising gel available to all employees.
- Install hands-free systems in restrooms, break rooms & kitchens.
- Ensure the cleaning staff is using disinfectants and colour-coded technology to kill viruses and prevent cross-contamination.
- Provide sanitary wipes and disinfectant spray to all employees and encourage them to wipe down their work areas daily.
- Most importantly—staying home when they are sick.
If businesses follow the steps necessary to protect their employees from the rampant transmission, encourages their employees to stay home if they are sick, and implement a business continuity plan, they have a much better chance of maintaining business as normal during flu season or any other infectious disease event.
Green FM can provide various Spring Deep Cleaning Services for offices and workplaces which includes sanitising of Keyboards, phones, desks, and restroom deep cleaning services etc. Please contact us if interested by emailing at [email protected] or calling 08000445795.