Tips to Calm the Busy Life
Angelic I.
?Guiding chronic illness warriors to navigate relocation and cultivate balance and happiness
"Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life" Dolly Parton
I don't know about you but I feel like this year is just flying by! It's been a whirlwind for me and in more words from Dolly Parton, 'I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt!' (-Steel Magnolias)
Don't get me wrong, it's been a great start to the new year for me and my family. However, I find myself having to slow things down and remember to breathe. I'm sure many of you might be feeling the same and could use some support and reminders around creating calmness and balance.
It's so important to pay attention when things get hectic and make the time to nurture our mind and body. As we already know, stress is a silent killer and we must find ways to cultivate the peace and balance we need to sustain a healthy lifestyle and build stronger relationships (especially with one self)
Here are some tips that you might want to reflect on and implement if you haven't already. Perhaps you need to reflect on these tips again and see where any adjustments are needed to create more ease and balance in your current schedule.
I hope these tips are helpful and have sparked some motivation for you moving forward. Just remember that everything doesn't have to be done immediately. Make time to create the smaller steps, delegate where necessary, take time out for YOU and reflection. The most important thing to remember is to BREATHE!
Letting go of stress is hard, I know. If you can remember at least one of these tips, I know that you can start to cultivate the balance you need and deserve. Start out slow and be intentional with your plan, and reach out to those you trust to help guide and support you.
March is around the corner (can you believe it?!) So let's kick out the rest of this year with less stress, more accomplishments and a lot more joy!
Feel free to comment below or send me a message, I'm always happy to connect
Angelic x
Such important tips for both one's personal and professional life! Particularly appreciate "Regular Reflection", as this can help clarify where stressors are originating. Thanks for sharing!